Maturity, oral exams begin: they start late in Sanremo and Rapallo –

GENOA – The final exams for the 526,317 students, more than 10 thousand in Liguria, begin today.

In the municipalities on the ballot, where the schools are home to polling stations such as in Sanremo and Rapallo the oral exams will begin in a few days.

The interview also concerns the transversal teaching of civic education and will last approximately 1 hour, the commissions will examine a maximum of 5 high school graduates per day. This is a multi- and interdisciplinary interview: in short, the commission evaluates both the candidate’s ability to grasp the connections between the knowledge acquired and the educational, cultural and professional profile of the student. It will start from an initial starting point chosen by the Commission. It is the phase of the exam in which to enhance the student’s training and growth path, skills, talents and ability to elaborate, in a multidisciplinary perspective, the most significant themes of each discipline. The latter are indicated in each student’s class council document.

During the interview, the candidate explains, through a short report and/or a multimedia work, the PCTO experience (paths for transversal skills and orientation) carried out during the course of the studies. The State Exam interview takes on an indicative value: given its multidisciplinary dimension, it enables the candidate to delve deeper into the disciplines most congenial to him. For this reason, the exam commission takes into account the information included in the student’s CV: in fact, the candidate’s educational experiences in school and in various non-formal and informal contexts emerge from here.

In the part of the interview dedicated to PCTOs, the student can highlight the meaning of this experience as an orientation and, therefore, can connect it with their future choices (whether they involve continuing their studies or entering the world of work). In the final ballot, the class council assigns the score for the credit gained in the second two-year period and in the last year up to a maximum of forty points: twelve points for the third year, thirteen for the fourth year and fifteen for the fifth year.

The behavioral evaluation contributes to the determination of the school credit. The final grade of the State Exam is expressed in hundredths: maximum 40 points for the school credit, maximum 20 points for the first written, maximum 20 points for the second written, maximum 20 points for the interview. The commission can award up to 5 “bonus” points to those who are entitled to them. The sum of all these points results in the final grade of the exam. The maximum score is 100 (with honors possible). The minimum score to pass the exam is 60/100.

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