The Messenger | Lazio transfer market, this is the week of truth

The Messenger | Lazio transfer market, this is the week of truth
The Messenger | Lazio transfer market, this is the week of truth

A consolidated friendship and the common obsession with profitable budgets lead to optimism. Like every year, Lotito and Setti are ready to close at least one deal by June 30th. This time even two, as long as an agreement is reached on the right price. At the moment Verona is blocking 25 million for Noslin and Cabal, while Lazio doesn’t want to go beyond 20, including bonuses, regardless of the inclusion or otherwise of Akpa Akpro.

Setti and Lotito ready to close by June 30th

The two presidents have been negotiating on the phone for days, a percentage of the future resale can close the circle. In lean economic times, we work on redemption formulas and obligations. More fronts open to trigger auctions between sellers and benefit from them. It is no coincidence that sporting director Fabiani also kept Dia warm with Salernitana and his entourage, as an alternative to the main objective requested by Baroni in attack. This is the week of truth, the final reflections began yesterday on a day of silence after Saturday’s summit in Formello.

Immobile’s agent: “Lazio in the past has rejected offers from China, Italy, Europe and Saudi Arabia”

Dia puts pressure on Setti on Noslin, but certainly not on Motionlesson which agent Moggi remains peremptory: «Ciro is extremely attached to the Lazio and the club has rejected offers from China, Italy, Europe and Saudi Arabia in the past. It is a marriage that will certainly last until the contract expires in 2026. The market can hide pitfalls and unexpected events, but we will get to the bottom of it, because of the love that binds Immobile to Lazio.”

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this