Full moon in June 2024: why it will be unique

In a few days, the June sky will witness a very particular astronomical phenomenon, the so-called Strawberry Moona magical full moon different from the others which influenced ancient traditions and beliefs. But what is actually special about it?

WHAT IS Strawberry Moon

There Strawberry Moon it is the name given to the full moon that occurs in the month of June. This term comes from the Farmers’ Almanac of Maine, in the United States, which began publishing the names given to full moons taking those of Native Americans in the 1930s. The indigenous Algonquian tribe in the north-east of the United States called this full moon this because it coincided with the short season of strawberry picking.

In Europe, it is also known as “Honeymoon”, a name that dates back to the 16th century and which could be linked to the tradition of get married in June. But it’s not just the evocative name that makes the phenomenon special.

the lunar illusion

This full moon occurs shortly after the summer solstice, when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky and the day is longest. Since the Moon’s path is opposite to that of the Sun, the satellite rises when the Sun sets and vice versa, ending up finding itself in the lowest arch of the sky overnight. Consequentially, the Moon will appear very low on the horizon, which will have repercussions on both its brightness and color. The thicker layer of air, in fact, filters and disperses the light, causing coloration orange or reddish, particularly visible at satellite rising or setting. Furthermore, due to an optical illusion created by its proximity to the horizon, the Moon will also appear larger than usual. This phenomenon is called “moon illusion”.

When to admire the Strawberry Moon

The highlight to stand with your nose up is Saturday 22 June at 03:08 Italian time. However, the Strawberry Moon will be partially visible from the previous evening and for a good part of the following night, giving a truly evocative show.

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