European elections, Borghi: “Absenteeism won”

Gavorrano (Grosseto). “I allowed a sufficiently long period of time to pass in order to be able to give as calm a judgment as possible on the European elections of 8 and 9 June last, despite the fact that numerous citizens asked me to express an opinion on the electoral results, for the first time in my career. long political militancy, during which I commented on victories and defeats, including personal ones, and I saw political parties and leaders rise dramatically in electoral consensus, only to then squander the consensus in a very short time, I went through the disintegration of the so-called First Republic , I have built and participated in mobilizations and political struggles that have achieved important objectives for the growth of the country, or have suffered searing defeats and heavy setbacks. I always managed to find the words to explain to others and also to myself the meaning of what was happening.”

To declare it is Massimo Borghicouncilor for legality of the Municipality of Gavorrano and regional coordinator of the association Public Notice – Regions and Municipalities against mafias and corruption.

“Today I can’t find the words, I don’t understand what there is to celebrate in a country where 51 percent of citizens have chosen not to vote, not to participate in the most important rite in democracy, the right/duty to express their vote – continues Villages -. This electoral round has sanctioned the rupture of the social pact between citizens and institutional representatives at all levels, the rupture is not only with the politics of the parties, to which I recognize limitations and even serious errors, but in my opinion concerns the State and its institutions. Liberal democracy, and ours is it, finds reason for life and development in popular participation, otherwise it dissolves and becomes something different. Liberal democracy lives and progresses if the ruling classes, of whatever political color they are, have real support from the citizens, and above all if even the poorest classes participate and express themselves; if this is not the case they are transformed into an elitist thing, capable of represent and reproduce only itself and the not always positive interests they represent, self-regenerating and building policies on these interests and not on the real needs of the country and citizens”.

“So not only did I not rejoice, but with a cool head I express a very negative opinion, because the autumn of politics and institutions that we are experiencing generates awareness in the ruling classes and a positive impulse and change, capable of reversing a trend that seems consolidated – ends Villages -, or we will slip further and further into the cold, dark winter of self-referentiality.”

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