Death of Angelo Bonomelli, Gherardi’s defense: «He didn’t expect those effects. He had a traumatic childhood.”

Death of Angelo Bonomelli, Gherardi’s defense: «He didn’t expect those effects. He had a traumatic childhood.”
Death of Angelo Bonomelli, Gherardi’s defense: «He didn’t expect those effects. He had a traumatic childhood.”

Another hearing in the trial for the death of Angelo Bonomellithe Trescore entrepreneur who died in November 2022 after being drugged and robbed in Entratico by the group made up of Matteo Gherardi34 years old and considered the mastermind of the robbery, his girlfriend Jasmine Gervasoni25 years old, the father Rodolfo Luigi69 years old and his friend Omar Poretti26 years.

Positions in the classroom

The defense, as reported today (Thursday 20 June) by Courier Bergamo, in particular insisted on the fact that the young man from Gaverina had already robbed other people in the past with Rivotril, without there being serious consequences, for which he is aiming for the declassification from murder with possible intent to death as a consequence of another crime. The Prosecutor’s Office, however, claims that the criminal group knew that the elderly man could risk a lot after the administration of the narcotic, but that he had nevertheless accepted the possibility that he could feel ill and die.

The civil party, made up of Bonomelli’s wife and children, then underlined how according to them the victim was abandoned, following the robbery, in the Entratico car park.

The Defense: «Gherardi did not suspect those effects on Bonomelli»

The lawyer Gianluca Quadri, who defends Gherardi junior (the boy risks 29 years), declared in the Chamber that his client did not imagine that drugging the eighty-year-old with the drug could cause his death. She simply expected his target to fall asleep and then wake up after some time, without remembering anything. The lawyer also cited the example of the 34-year-old’s aunt, a seventy-year-old cancer patient, one of her alleged victims, who ended up in hospital stunned but without other consequences, despite her precarious state of health.

He also added that his client had taken Bonomelli’s money and watch, but had left him his cell phone so he could possibly call for help, even though the device was then taken by Poretti. Having left him in the car park in his car would have been, for the Defence, another measure to protect his safety and then, the lawyer concluded, they had returned at 8pm that evening to check that he was well, ascertaining that he was sleeping.

However, the carabinieri had visited the accused the next morning, because the victim had not returned home and the son knew that he had to meet Gherardi on business. Then the 34-year-old returned to the scene, discovering that the elderly man was dead.

Doubts about the drug and the request for extenuating circumstances

According to the medical examiner’s examinations, the eighty-year-old had practically been administered almost the entire bottle, a quantity ten times higher than the dose for therapeutic use. However, it was Poretti who poured the narcotic, but the lawyer Quadri still disputed the quantity, because if he had used the dropper it would have taken too long to secretly put that quantity into the tea then offered to the entrepreneur.

In order to request mitigating circumstances, the lawyer also recalled his client’s traumatic childhood, including problems with his mother, years in the community and a foster care placement that had not had a good outcome. A strategy also adopted by Poretti’s defender, Luca Bosisiowho recounted the loss of his mother when he was little, his father’s prison, the difficulties caused by drugs and the lack of personal stability at work.

The family does not accept the apologies

Bonomelli’s family, who asked for 1.3 million euros in compensation, rejected the defendants’ apologies, arguing that if they had wanted to save him, it would have been possible, because the Red Cross headquarters was a short distance from the bar where they had him narcotized.

The next hearing is set for July 10, when the lawyer will speak Roberta Zucchinali for Luigi Gherardi and Gervasoni, then on July 23 there will be space for replies and the sentence will be issued.

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