“”Satnam Sigh’s limb thrown in the garbage”

“We were in the garden when we heard his wife’s screams. I went out and saw the businessman running away, he said that the laborer only had a cut,” the witnesses told Fanpage.it.

The place where the fruit box containing the agricultural worker’s arm and the two witnesses who first helped him, Ilario Pepe and Noemi Grifo, were abandoned.

He kept screaming husband cut. We didn’t immediately understand what he meant, but we called 118 anyway. Only later did I see it he was missing an entire arm. He didn’t know where she was either. And we still don’t know. Only part of a hand was found back here, in a fruit box among the garbage collectors“. This is the story of some residents of the area where Satnam Sigh was last Monday afternoon, together with what remained of his arm.

After the accident in the fields, in which the limb was completely severed, they transported him in a white van with his wife and abandoned him along the road. She was the woman who sought help by calling the house in the area.

“He said husband cut. We thought we needed some points, we didn’t immediately understand the gravity of the situation. But not that he was missing an entire limb. It was a scary scene”, continues Ilario Pepe, who was the first to call 118 and managed to intercept the businessman who abandoned the body.

The father of the entrepreneur who abandoned Satnam Singh on the street: “A carelessness of the labourer”

Satnam Singh and the company where he worked.

The story of the witnesses: “What remained of the arm thrown in the garbage”

“The fruit box with Satnam Sigh’s arm was left here, among the garbage collectors. They left him a little further away”. These are the words of a witness, among the first to have given aid to the agricultural worker who was the victim of a tragic accident in Latina: probably caught by his shirt while he was working in the fields, the agricultural machine it severed his arm cleanly. He died yesterday at the San Camillo hospital in Rome, after being transported in an emergency the day before.

“We were in the garden with the girls when the screams came. We tried to help him until the end. At first I thought he was dead. We are shocked, the story is so cruel that there are no words – adds another resident, Noemi Grifo – We demand justice. And let the person responsible pay.”

The fruit box with what remained of the agricultural worker's arm abandoned among the rubbish between the houses.

The fruit box with what remained of the agricultural worker’s arm abandoned among the rubbish between the houses.

The corporal’s escape: “He cut himself, but it’s not in order”

“What does cut husband mean? I didn’t understand. But she threw herself on the ground in despair – he continues – So I looked out and saw a man carrying him behind the houses, holding him up. I caught a glimpse of him, at first I thought he was helping him. I didn’t understand how he was and that he was abandoning him,” he says.

After leaving the house, he noticed the presence of the van, all closed. “I ran after him and told him to call 118 immediately. I asked him what was happening. He answered while he was closing the doors. He told me he had cut himself. But he told me like this, as if a few points were enough to get him back on track, as if it were nothing. I asked him why he brought him here, instead of helping him, perhaps taking him to the hospital. He told me it wasn’t legal with him. And he ran away.”

The call to 118: “He is missing his whole arm”

I hadn’t seen the body yet. In the meantime they had contacted 118, they handed me the phone – he recounts those excited moments – There is a boy, they brought him here from work, he cut himself. When they asked me for more information, I reached the farmhand behind the house. And I had to correct myself. His entire limb was missing, it wasn’t a simple cut. He told me that they had brought him along on his arm, but that he didn’t know where he was. Only later was a piece of his hand found in the rubbish“.

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