Amputee worker, the 31-year-old Indian national injured and abandoned on the street by his employer didn’t make it

The 31-year-old Indian, Satnam Singh, who was mutilated by the plastic wrapping machine on the afternoon of June 17, has died. The young man, who was in very serious and life-threatening conditions, was hospitalized at San Camillo in Rome and died following the injuries sustained on the dramatic afternoon a couple of days ago.

Satnam Singh

Two days ago, the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section, led by Major Paolo Perrone, intervened, together with the Carabinieri of the Borgo Podgora station in Latina, where, shortly before, the 31-year-old, resident in Cisterna di Latina, had been abandoned near the home following the accident at work.

The man, while working at a local farm in Strada del Passo, for reasons still under investigation, was hooked by the plastic roller wrapping machine, towed by a tractor, which severed his arm. right. His legs were also crushed. The victim was subsequently accompanied home and the severed limb was placed on a box used for harvesting vegetables.

After calling for help, the man was urgently transported by air ambulance to the San Camillo hospital in Rome. Investigations are still underway aimed at ascertaining the correct dynamics of the events and further investigations by the military personnel of the Carabinieri, together with the NIL of Latina (Labor Protection), who intervened on site together with the S.PRE.SAL personnel (Prevention and Work Security) of the ASL of Latina, aimed at defining the victim’s work position and regularity on the national territory.

The employer, who is now under investigation, was questioned by the Carabinieri and confessed after almost 3 hours of questions and answers. Before being questioned by the Carabinieri, the 36-year-old man had presented himself at the police station to turn himself in. He explained that he was scared and didn’t know what to do since the victim had been hired illegally and doesn’t even have a regular residence permit. According to his reconstruction, it was the worker, by his will, who took over the machinery, which is usually used exclusively by the employer.

The man, defended by lawyers Stefano Perotti and Valerio Righi, also admitted to having left the injured worker in front of his house in Castelverde, where his wife was waiting for him. Investigated for negligent personal injury, negligence, the 36-year-old will most likely be investigated for manslaughter.

The case of the mutilated and abandoned worker had already emerged yesterday, so much so that there were many interventions between institutions, political parties and trade unions who stigmatized the episode.

Read also:

“What happened in Borgo Santa Maria, in the province of Latina, according to the complaint by Flai Cgil Frosinone Latina, where a worker lost an arm and was then abandoned in the street, is barbaric. We cannot accept workers being treated like slaves. For over a year, together with Azione Latina, I have been requesting the establishment of a commission of inquiry into illegal work and gangmastering without any response. Rocca also did not arrive at this.” The regional councilor and Welfare manager of Azione, Alessio D’Amato, wrote it in X.

“We are deeply outraged and saddened by the tragic workplace accident that occurred near Borgo Santa Maria, in the province of Latina, where a worker cutting hay suffered the amputation of his arm and suffered several other injuries. What is even more unacceptable is that the worker was dumped on the street without the necessary support and assistance. This is a very serious violation of workers’ rights and human dignity. We cannot tolerate workers being treated as mere numbers, expendable for profit. We call for a thorough investigation into what happened and for immediate measures to be taken to ensure that similar inhumane incidents do not happen again in the future. Companies must be responsible for the safety of their employees and provide adequate assistance in case of accidents at work. The safety and dignity of workers must always come first. This incident draws attention to the need to strengthen the fight against exploitation by strengthening controls and measures to protect health and safety.”

They stated this in a joint statement Paolo CaponeGeneral Secretary of the UGL, e Armando ValianiRegional Secretary UGL Lazio.

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