Differentiated autonomy, Piana: “Approval in the Chamber is a fundamental step for development”

«Today is another, fundamental stage for the development of our country and the regions. After the approval in the Senate, the approval by the Chamber of the bill on differentiated autonomy continues a path in which the Liguria Region has believed since the beginning, in which it continues to firmly believe and which is destined to have a great positive impact.”

Thus the interim president of the Liguria Region Alessandro Piana after the approval of the bill on differentiated autonomy in the Chamber.

«Liguria – continues Piana – is one of the first regions to have applied for membership, in fact it is a reform that will allow Italy, and our region, to continue to grow and develop, thanks to the possibility for each reality to enhance its specificities, focusing on an efficient and solid development model”.

The leader of the Democratic Party in the Liguria Region Luca Garibaldi he replies: «It sends the unity of the country to tatters and the regions against each other. In the “undifferentiated secession” approved with a majority tonight by the right in Parliament, each Region is handed over to its own destiny: whoever makes it, good; whoever can’t make it should make do. Northern League member Piana has little to celebrate. He rejoices because he is a Northern League member, not for the fate of the Region he temporarily leads. Because, as well as for the country, the differentiated autonomy will also have heavy repercussions on Liguria. Let’s take an example: Liguria already has the worst healthcare service in northern Italy, with a 200 million euro hole accumulated in the first three months of 2024 alone. Every year it sees patients and healthcare workers leaving for other regions, which could now offer better contractual conditions for doctors and nurses. With the reform, our public healthcare will be increasingly fragile and citizens will be forced to pay or seek treatment elsewhere. In a region where absolute poverty is growing and inequalities are growing. This applies to healthcare, the environment – in a fragile region like ours – or energy, we are last in Italy for production from renewable sources. In the secession of the rich, Liguria finds itself on the other side, of those who need resources, because they cannot do it alone, starting from the right to health. If solidarity and national unity fail, the country fails, and the right wants to lead us to an increasingly unequal and unjust country. An unacceptable situation against which we will fight in all locations.”

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