one is in serious condition

Todi (Perugia), 19 June 2024 – It’s from two injuredof which a 47-year-old Moldovan is very serious, the toll of the last one work accident. It happened to Pantallathe most populous district of Tuderte, where two workers have remained electrocuted while they were working on the maintenance of an advertising panel using the mechanized arm of a vehicle in the industrial and artisan area of ​​the hamlet, near the E45 and one of the factories present, specialized in the compressed air sector: according to an initial reconstruction, there were three of them , employees of an external private company, called from Perugia to carry out a intervention on the sign.

A worker was on a ladder, another on the basket of a mechanical arm or crane: the latter, performing a maneuver, would have touched a high voltage cable and the electric current reached both the basket and the ladder leaning against the panel on which the 47-year-old Moldovan was standing. Both were electrocuted, but it was the latter who got the worst of it, falling from a height of two meters and remaining unconscious.

The worker on the vehicle, 36 years old, of Albanian origins, suffered minor injuries, burns to a hand and chest: treated on site and then taken to Terni hospital. Along with the two there was a third worker, involved with the other in moving the ladder, who fortunately remained unharmed. The 118 doctors were on site (who, given the seriousness of the electrocuted young man, immediately transferred him to the Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital in Perugia) and the Carabinieri of the Todi Company led by Captain Giovanni De Liso. Investigations entrusted to the workplace prevention and safety (Psal) staff of the Local Health Authority1. The area was seized, including the vehicles.

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