Carminelli will be Mayor Tapanelli’s deputy

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06/18/2024 – Following the victory of the only list that presented the outgoing mayor Pietro Tapanelli as a candidate for mayor with 83% of the votes, the Sefro municipal council takes shape.

The installation of the City Council will take place on June 28th, but in the meantime the departments and delegations of the various councilors have been decided.

Among the councilors will be: Corrado Carminelli (Councillor-Vice Mayor Urban planning, public works and maintenance, Post-earthquake reconstruction, Heritage), Stefania Penna (Councillor for Education, Productive Activities, Culture).

These are the city councilors with their respective delegations: Simona Midei (Social Services, Housing Policies), Andrea Moscatelli (Environment, urban decoration and care of the territory, Computerization and ICT Local Police), Alessandro Midei (Budget, Economic and Financial Planning , Investee companies), Francesco Natalizi (Sport, Relations with associations), Lovepreet Kaur (Internationalisation, Community policies), Marco Crispiciani (Personnel, Traffic and urban safety), Marta Pierozzi / Program implementation, Youth policies, Tourism) and Venanzia Rapaccioli (Relations with the hamlets, Local public transport).

All matters not expressly delegated to the aforementioned members of the municipal council remain the responsibility of the mayor and specifically: Relations with the Archdiocese of Camerino – San Severino Marche; Relations with UNICAM University of Camerino – Camerino. “Thanks to the citizens for their renewed trust – commented Mayor Tapanelli – another five years of hard work await us with important challenges to face. Maximum trust to all the delegate councilors. Ours is in fact a team with 10 councillors, also if the law only allows two”.

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