Lorenzo Lazzari’s death: Ciociaria prepares for a long night of pain. “Signals” and “messages” from the 22-year-old in a video from 4 days ago – Tu News 24

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Evening falls on the province of Frosinone. An evening that tastes of pain, suffering, disbelief, anger but above all an evening that looks at the night that is coming with fear, mixed with a thousand questions. Nine suicides since May 8: this is the very sad figure that has annihilated the entire Ciociaria. Nine suicides, six of which had young and very young victims as their victims, the youngest being the sweet and beautiful Elisa Stirpe, aged just 16, who took her own life last 4 June in the district of Santa Francesca di Veroli where she lived and where he cultivated broken dreams without anyone still being able to give a reason.

She was engaged, as everyone remembers and as the images on social media say, with 22-year-old Lorenzo Lazzari, resident in via del Cuculo in Mole Bisleti, a populous district of Alatri a few kilometers from her angel.

Lorenzo deeply loved Elisa and after the extreme and inexplicable gesture made by the 16 year old he fell into a state of profound prostration. Excruciating pain, that pain that suffocates you, that doesn’t let you breathe, that takes away all your vital energy, that doesn’t let you live. Because for Lorenzo life was Elisa, a little angel who left too soon.

Family and friends were close to Lorenzo hour after hour to comfort him, help him, support him. But nothing helped. The suffering had broken Lorenzo inside. The boy was unable to overcome so much pain due to the lack of his great love. On his social networks he published heartbreaking posts, photos with Elisa, photos that speak of a great, cheerful, vital love as only that between a 22 year old and a 16 year old can be.

Then 4 days ago he posted a video on his Tik Tok profile, reposted on Facebook, in which the two boys can be seen more in love than ever. But in which we also see a desperate Lorenzo, who cannot rest over the disappearance of his little angel, his chick, as Elisa defines several times.

And in the same video he publishes some sentences which, perhaps, could have been “signals”, traces of what was making its way in his mind. At a certain point, in the video which is still public and commented on by hundreds of people, Lorenzo is at the cemetery “where – he writes addressing Elisa – every Saturday we went to visit your father together (Elisa’s father died some time ago, ed.). And now… you are already there… waiting for me”.

Then, again, photos of car trips, of kisses, of tender hugs, of jokes, of nice and engaging grimaces. Of Lorenzo screaming all his love for Elisa while in the car he passes her funeral poster. Elisa who reminds him how much she loves him and sends him kisses. Images of the 16-year-old’s funeral. Then, at the end of the touching video which we don’t deny brought us to tears, an image of the sky with some small clouds and the phrase: “See you soon chick” followed by a blue heart.

A video, as we were saying, heartbreaking from which all the atrocious suffering of Lorenzo shines as he sends these messages to his little Elisa. Signals? Indirect and unconscious requests for help? A series of “messages” for his love? Nobody can say it. The fact is that 4 days after composing and publishing that video Lorenzo decided to end it and join his “chick”.

He did it around one o’clock last night, between Sunday and Monday. He left the house saying he wanted to go for a walk, that he wanted to get some air. Instead he reached an old ruin located near the family home and there he killed himself. His family members found him, suspicious of his continued absence and the fact that he wasn’t answering his phone. The alarm was immediately raised and help arrived, but they were only able to confirm the death of the 22-year-old.

Once the external examination was carried out on the body and the reasons for the death were evident, the magistrate immediately granted permission for the funeral which will take place tomorrow morning (Tuesday 18 June) at 11.30 in the Maria SS del Rosario church in Mole Bisleti, his parish, his district.

Throughout the day, meanwhile, and even now, hundreds of people have left comments on social media of closeness and love for Lorenzo, for Elisa, for the two poor families. And it is conceivable that for the last farewell to Lorenzo there will be hundreds, thousands of people who will come.

Meanwhile, the evening has now fallen on Ciociaria, on the municipalities of Alatri and Veroli in particular, with its burden of atrocious pain and suffering. There are many questions in souls, many unanswered questions. Many ask for the intervention of institutions, schools, parishes, many others invite families to pay more attention to their children.

As Father Matteo Tagliaferri, founder and soul of the “In Dialogue” Communities, told us the other week regarding the increase in suicides of young and very young people in Ciociaria, “young people can only be saved by listening and dialogue. There’s no need to give him everything. That’s what adults need to put their conscience at ease. No, our kids – thundered Father Matteo – must be given love, hugs, caresses, closeness. This is what they need.”

And then – we add – a lot of attention, which we should pay to everyone: friends. acquaintances, relatives, work colleagues, even strangers. We ask those close to us, in any context, how they are doing, we pat them on the back, if we see them thoughtful or sad we insist on knowing how they feel, we help others in every way possible. Let’s not turn our heads the other way, let’s not limit ourselves to “ok, call if you want”. No, let’s make that phone call, at the cost of annoyance, but let’s make it feel like they’re really there.

And not just in words. Each of us, after all, is someone else’s “neighbor”. Let’s shake hands but in a physical sense, not just a virtual one. And we often turn off these diabolical smartphones, call a friend and go have a beer, have a coffee. A small gesture could save a life or at least change their day for the better.

Soon Ciociaria, windows open due to the heat that anticipates the African heat announced for tomorrow, will go to sleep. But before turning off the light we give a hug or a kiss to those close to us, we send a message to those who are alone or experiencing difficult times, we also make a phone call to those we know are in dire straits.

Ciociaria goes to sleep, in a night full of pain and suffering more than ever. Lorenzo will have already reached Elisa and now up there in the sky they will always be able to be together and resume their love song. Here, the last thought of the day is for these two boys (but also for the others who died too soon), for this couple who oozed love from every pore. Let’s pray for them, hug them, talk to them: may they feel our love, as do their families (to whom the TuNews editorial team is close). Let’s do it!

And confidently we borrow the final phrase of a famous comedy by Eduardo de Filippo: “Adda passà ‘a nuttata”. Yes, it will pass, and all together we can really make it pass, but together, hand in hand, everyone. And we can bring back the light, on each of us but in particular on our dear young people.

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