«Demoted, 45 thousand euros for image damage»

The former “good evening madam», Alessandra Canale, 60 years old, wins the long judicial tug-of-war with Rai. State TV will have to compensate the current presenter of Onda Verde and Meteo Sera versarle 45 thousand euros as image damage due to the work duties assigned to you for seven years. Between 2006 and 2013. Period in which, as underlined by the judges of second instance, Canale – in the nineties linked to the former Forza Italia deputy, now a fugitive in Dubai Amedeo Matacena, with whom she had a son, Amadeo jr – was forced into aforced work inactivity. To that sum Rai will have to add another 8,830 euros biological damage.

The Supreme Court ruling

It was established by the Cassation that has rejected The appeal proposed by Rai to the appeal sentence pronounced in 2022 in which the judges of second instance declared illegitimate the attribution to Canale, born Alessandra Pimpinella, of different assignment from that of announcer. It was then the Court of Appeal itself that quantified the biological and image damage suffered by the former “Miss Buonsera”. The declaration of inadmissibility of the appeal makes the appeal sentence definitive.

Tears on TV

The warning of the dispute between Canale, a former actress, and Rai took place at nine in the evening on 20 September 2002. Crying, the announcer complaint the state TV to have it ousted from the role with which he gained notoriety. When she finishes speaking, Canale turns to the general public to greet him: «I love you all» he says that evening without being able to hold back his words tears. In the 2010 gets the first victory: the Supreme Court establishes that Rai must give her back the role of announcer. However, the order of the judges in Piazza Cavour remains in fact disregarded. Another tug-of-war with state TV is inevitable. Which however may not be the last.

The battle with Rai

From 2013 onwards, do the tasks carried out by Canale fall within the role of announcer or do they represent a different role? It’s a knot that his lawyers will have to untie. Representing Canale in this legal dispute was the lawyer Gianni Dell’Aiuto, who did not want to comment on the stoats’ decision.

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