Foresters in action every day until 10pm to monitor the countries most at risk

Foresters in action every day until 10pm to monitor the countries most at risk
Foresters in action every day until 10pm to monitor the countries most at risk

Until 10 pm, every day, the Large Carnivore monitoring teams of the Autonomous Province of Trento are in action to monitor the areas where bear sightings have been most numerous and sensational, starting with the one in Malé which is causing a lot of outcry.
It is the Provincial Wildlife Service that confirms this, recalling that the checks carried out on individual reports are always timely, through the activation of the staff closest to the area where the fact is detected.
As regards the Malé episode, as anticipated, investigations continue in search of useful traces to trace the identity of the animal, with the aim of implementing the capture procedure in order to apply the radio collar. The speed with which the episode occurred did not allow for dissuasive actions to be implemented, which the foresters are ready to implement in the event – which is not so easy – that the specimen was sighted again.
The Province’s experts also point out how essential it is to continue with the intervention replacement by municipalities of waste bins, thus making waste bins inaccessible.
In any case, for each activity the Pacobace protocol remains as a point of reference which provides for a series of actions, including the removal of the animal deemed dangerous.
In the meantime, the Department of Forestry and Large Carnivores has once again sent a request to state bodies to be able to make anti-bear spray available, primarily for the benefit of those who work for professional reasons in the woods and mountains, with the aim of ensuring as a priority the safety of citizens and guests.

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