Tajani “The EPP won the European Championships, Italy deserves a central role” Italpress news agency

Tajani “The EPP won the European Championships, Italy deserves a central role” Italpress news agency
Tajani “The EPP won the European Championships, Italy deserves a central role” Italpress news agency
Naples – Piazza Matteotti Forza Italia closes the electoral campaign for the European elections In the photo: Antonio Tajani (Naples – 2024-06-06, Felice De Martino) ps the photo can be used in compliance with the context in which it was taken, and without defamatory intent of the decorum of the people represented

MILAN (ITALPRESS) – Working “for a great political project that brings together the moderates, which reaches 20%, which represents the home of the Italians”. This, for Antonio Tajani, is the objective of the European People’s Party which will meet today before the Council. “The EPP will present itself with the position of someone who has obtained a great result at the European elections, it is today the third Italian party together with the SVP, and is precisely part of the European family that won the elections and which must reclaim its spaces – states the deputy prime minister and foreign minister in an interview with ‘Corriere della Sera -. It means that it will be necessary to take into account the new European situation and the results obtained by individual groups. The EPP won, the socialists did not win, the liberals had difficulties. This must be taken into account when assigning tasks, both at the level of states and of European institutional roles and the international framework. The EPP must be held in high regard by the top leaders.”
That of Giorgia Meloni “that it is a right-wing party is a fact, but that it is too right-wing or far-right is not true. Meloni is head of the Conservatives, a historic political family that has already held positions and roles in Europe. Only Id remained outside. And the fact that there is a central force like ours in the government makes the Italian government and also the prime minister stronger”, observes the FI leader. “It is clear that to be part of a majority you must vote for the candidates on whom an agreement is reached. Our people from the EPP are Metsola and von der Leyen. We will see what majority will form over them. Enrico Letta? For us in the EPP he certainly has an important profile, also because he comes from the Christian Democratic tradition. But – underlines Tajani – I really think it is premature to name names. Surely, like Italy, we will ask for a powerful commissioner and a vice president. Italy deserves a central role.”

– photo: Fotogramma Agency –

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