From Sabaudia to Ostia increases in prices on umbrellas, houses for rent and restaurants

Sea on the wave of price increases between Sabaudia, Sperlonga And Circeo smaller increases between the Ostia and Fregene plants. It is the sector of catering the one which on the Lazio coast has the highest costs, up to 20% more among the locations in the south of Pontine. Same scenarios for the beaches near the capital. «It’s the fault of raw materials which have skyrocketing prices» they explain seaside entrepreneurs. An increasingly popular destination for the Romans, SMarinella doorwith the nearby hamlet of Santa Severa and the characteristic Castle with a view of the sea: there is a boom in season tickets among the tourist facilities, the first rows of umbrellas and sunbeds have already been sold out for weeks.

Less spaces

Ostia’s beach season started with reduced sand and at least 500 cabins lost: erosion the beaches have been eaten up and it will be a real competition for day-trippers to find a free place in the sun. Fewer spaces and rising rates, around 10%, between subscriptions and services. Romans and tourists will pay for an umbrella or sunbed on the shore 8 and 15 euros, up to 50 if you include a shower or swimming pool. Given the shortage of cabins – between factories closed due to expired concessions and damage from sea storms – there was the race for tiles: cost for a family for the entire summer varying between 1,600 up to 6,000 euros for bungalow luxury. Prices in restaurants have also increased: dining by the sea can cost between 50 and 100 euros per person.

Cabins from 7 thousand euros per season

«Someone raised prices slightly, in the face of halved beaches. – summarizes Massimo Muzzarelli from Federbalneari Rome – but the serious problem is that tourists will find themselves with less umbrellas and stations. It is urgent to bring the sand to the banks, the interventions already financed by the Region have only started in the last few weeks.” So bulldozers and construction sites in progress among bathers lying in the sun, as also happens in Fregene, where meters of beach have disappeared on the eastern shores. The cabin in the city adopted by costs more Fellini, from three thousand to seven thousand euros but attendance is still low at the moment, even those of foreigners and residents with second homes. Sunbeds and umbrellas can be found between 8 and 10 euros, but if you choose comfort and luxury the price goes up. Up to 27 euros per day for a VIP bed and swimming pool entrance, a canopy in the kiosks crowded in the iconic Fisherman’s Village reaches 60 euros on holidays. Fish lunch per person between 50 and 80 euros. «The uncertain weather didn’t help the start of the season – explains Simonetta Mancini of Balnearia Fregene – . Work is underway on the beaches for erosion damage, the Region is building the cliffs. Overall there were small increases for services, especially for day tickets.”

Santa Marinella

Very popular and expensive Santa Marinellawhich however has to deal with limited and hyper-crowded beaches: at the central Perla del Tirreno first rows already sold out, an umbrella and two sunbeds for 63 euros, while a gazebo at Danny’s Point with sunbeds and prosecco reach 144 euros in one day. On average for deckchairs and a little shade the total cost can vary between 20 and 70 euros if you choose the comfortable canopy. Beach prices rising slightly, but more contained than in 2023 in southern Lazio, with increases calculated between 5 and 10%, with peaks of 20% for catering.

Prices adjusted at Circeo

«We only worked on Saturdays with few presences during the week. There was some increase, but not more than 5% – summarizes Gaetano Di Lello de La Palma a San Felice Circeo -. With us a sunbed on the shoreline in low season costs 12 euros, in high season 15. As for attendance, July is expected to be -20%. The catering sector could be affected by the increases: with the clams reach 22 euros per kilo, a plate of spaghetti today costs between 18 and 20 euros. For our part, we try to contain prices also in the face of offering slightly higher seasonal salaries than in the past, even if this has not stopped the problem of the lack of manpower”. Variable, from beach to beach, i prices: in Marina del Circeo the last rows for an umbrella and two sunbeds cost 30 euros in June and reach 40 euros in August. «We have applied minimal adjustments to the price list – says Antonio Carbonelli, owner of the exclusive La Spiaggia a Sabaudia -, in the order of 5%, leaving catering costs unchanged. The season began with bad weather, without forgetting the uncertainties for the future arising from Bolkestein, because we still have to understand how the Municipalities intend to organize the tenders for the assignment of concessions”.

Rents on the rise in Sperlonga

The historian Flavors leaves the prices of the sunbeds unchanged: from 40 euros for the last rows, up to 80 euros for the front row in August, like last year. The gazebo for the evening aperitif from 5.30 pm onwards is on the rise: it costs 450 euros compared to 400 last year. TO Sperlonga no increase, like at the Blumarine lido where prices range from 20 euros in low season for an umbrella and two sunbeds, up to 40 in high season. However, the increase in rents is well established summer. The person who has the pulse of the situation is Flavio Bernardini, founder of Hospitality Rome: «In the areas between Sabaudia, San Felice and Terracina – he explains – the market is influenced by the growing availability of private homes, villas or apartments. The figure that clearly emerges is an increase of approximately 20% in the rate per room. If in June 2023 the price was 196 euros, this season the average is 237 euros per night, while in August this year it reaches 353 euros compared to 298 last year”. In Terracina, the imminent tendering of the factories is worrying, as foreseen by the European Bolkestein directive. «No increase despite this uncertainty – they say from Americo Beach – because then people don’t come. Same price list from us: umbrella and two sunbeds range from 15 to 21 euros.”

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