M5s, Conte-Grillo meeting in Rome: ‘United on relaunch, divided on double mandate’

The 5 Star congress will be held immediately after the summer, but Grillo says no to Conte on the abolition of the double mandate limit. Perplexity for the role of consultant – worth 300 thousand euros a year – on the “cumbersome” say of the former leader. The two agree on the need for relaunch starting from the territories, but it is on the weight of direct democracy, choice of candidates and program that the differences arise. If for Conte these issues are considered a boulder, for Grillo the double mandate rule is what would distinguish the new course of M5S politics.

Rediscussion of rules? Conte: “Don’t make too many films”

A first ‘face to face’, sealed by a hug – reports those who attended the lunch – which confirms Giuseppe Conte’s armor at the helm of the Movement already expressed by the assembly of five-star parliamentarians of the past few days. Therefore, no commissioner of the former Prime Minister. “Not even remotely” – confirms a source – the former prime minister’s leadership remains firm, and the Movement takes the opportunity to reiterate that the battle waged during the electoral campaign will not have any setbacks in Europe since the inauguration of Strasbourg Parliament next July 16th. “Don’t make too many films,” Conte says to those who ask him if the appointment had been set to discuss the rules of the Movement. Grillo, however, does not grant statements to reporters. However, the photographers from the street manage to surprise him with their telephoto lenses on the terrace overlooking the Fori. And from there they manage to get a greeting from him.

Conte-Grillo: different visions on double mandate

In expressing the urgent needs of the M5S elected representatives, Conte – according to what we learn – would not have overlooked the thorny issue of overcoming the dual mandate constraint, a golden rule of the Movement armored several times by Grillo but now seen as a boulder by many parliamentarians of the Movement who they have been asking for some time to go beyond the norm in order to prolong their political experience and build a more solid ruling class, both in Parliament and in the territories. Grillo, underlines those who know him well, has always resolutely rejected any attempt to dismiss one of the main cornerstones of the 5 Star Movement: and even in today’s meeting the guarantor would have maintained the point, even if there is no official confirmation on this from entourage of the co-founder of the 5 Stars. Conte would then return to some issues already addressed in front of the audience of parliamentarians: the Movement must remain “a political laboratory” without becoming a “traditional party”, despite having given itself organizational rules and territorial structures that did not exist before.

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M5S rebranding in sight?

There was also no shortage of excursus on future political scenarios. “Beppe always flies high, he is a visionary”, explains the treasurer of the Movement Claudio Cominardi at the end of the meeting with Grillo, during which, he says, they talked about “direct democracy, participatory tools at every level and starting from the Municipalities “. In the rumors circulating in the press in recent days there was reference to a possible change of the symbol and name of the 5 Star Movement, but for now there is no news on the agenda on the ‘re-branding’ of the M5S: “In the symbol we have the writing 2050. And I hope that remains the same”, says the man called upon to balance the Grillini accounts on which the maxi communication consultancy entrusted two years ago to Grillo and renewed in 2023 weighs heavily – and not a little – among the discontent of many parliamentarians.

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The constituent assembly will be held in the autumn

Appointment scheduled for next autumn, i.e. the constituent assembly which, thanks to the contribution of all members, will serve to discuss the improvement of the rules and to define the changes necessary to relaunch the Movement. This is a crucial issue for the life of the M5S and Grillo’s contribution will be fundamental for Conte to define the stages that will lead to what will in fact be a real congress (even if the term is viewed with annoyance in the house 5 Stars). The face-to-face meeting between Conte and Grillo comes after the joint assembly with the parliamentary groups, and in fact the former prime minister brings to the table the issues that emerged from the discussion with the House and Senate teams.

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