Magdalena Irena Marciszewska wins the CyberTrials, a page in history for ITIS “Torricelli”

Magdalena Irena Marciszewska wins the CyberTrials, a page in history for ITIS “Torricelli”
Magdalena Irena Marciszewska wins the CyberTrials, a page in history for ITIS “Torricelli”

Magdalena Irena Marciszewska writes one page Of history of theITIS (State Industrial Technical Institute) “Evangelista Torricelli” Of Sant’Agata di Militellowith the victory at the third edition of CyberTrialsheld in Turin from 6 to 9 June 2024.

The student in the class 4C Computer Science of theSantagatese Institute has achieved an extraordinary goal, winning the prestigious national competition of cybersecuritywhich took place at the ITC campus ILO (International Training CentreInternational Labor Organization) Of Turin.

The event involved 20 finalist teams, coming from all over Italyand he saw Magdalena Irena Marciszewskatogether with her teammates Veronica Barbati of theITIS “Montani” Of Stopped And Giovanna Castiglione of theITISLeonardo da Vinci” Of Trapani, triumph thanks to their exceptional IT skills and their ability to solve complex cybersecurity challenges. The trio, known as “404 Name Not Found“, formed by chance in the month of January in the preliminary phase, has demonstrated fantastic cohesion and skill. During the competition the teams were put to the test, with a series of challenges cybersecurity for a good six hours. The group of Magdalena was able to stand out for the high number of challenges solved, surpassing all the others finalist teams. Their performance not only guaranteed the victory of the competition, but also recognition for the best presentation of the work carried out during the competition. The awards ceremony, visible from minute 1:10:50 of the official video of the event, celebrated the excellence and dedication of the participants, underlining the importance of encouraging young talents in the field of cybersecurity.

The CyberTrials it is a competition designed to encourage young women to approach the world of IT security, an ever-growing sector that is essential for protecting information in an increasingly digital age. The victory of Magdalena and her teammates represents not only a personal success, but also an important step forward in the promotion of diversity Of type in the technology sector, an objective of“Torricelli” Technical Institutewhich this year celebrates 50th anniversary fromautonomy from the “VeronaTrent“.

Magdalena, who has always shown a great passion for IT, said: “It was an incredible experience, which allowed me to grow in my skills and personal abilities. Working with Veronica And Joanna it was fantastic, and we demonstrated that, with commitment and collaboration, great results can be achieved.” L’Institute ITIS “Torricelli” Of Sant’Agata di Militelloled by Manager Scholastica Tamara Micale, is very proud of this success, which underlines the quality of education and dedication of its students and faculty. Particular satisfaction was expressed by the teachers of the Department of Informatics: The Prof. Fabrizio Nocifora (referent CyberTrials) and the Prof. Salvatore Mazzurco (companion), the main promoters of the route “The Big Game“.

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