Chamber, Fontana listens to the 12 deputies involved in yesterday’s brawl

Chamber, Fontana listens to the 12 deputies involved in yesterday’s brawl
Chamber, Fontana listens to the 12 deputies involved in yesterday’s brawl

The office of the President of the Chamber chaired by Lorenzo Fontana is currently being held. Together with the working group, gathered to view the images of what happened yesterday in the Chamber, also the police commissioners. In various capacities they have been 12 deputies involved were summoned in fact. They are Enzo Amendola (Pd), Enzo Amich (FdI), Stefano Candiani (Lega), Gerolamo Cangiano (FdI), Leonardo Donno (M5S), Andrea Gnassi (Pd), Igor Iezzi (Lega), Federico Mollicone (FdI) , Arturo Scotto (Pd), Claudio Michele Stefanazzi (Pd), Nicola Stumpo (Pd) and Domenico Furgiuele (Lega). The deputies are taking turns in front of the internal body of Montecitorio.

Federico Fornaro, of the PD, commented on what happened this morning. According to him yesterday there were no riots in the Chamber but a clear political aggression. The M5S deputies also lined up together with the Dems. Leonardo Donno, in Agorà, spoke of squad aggression by several right-wing deputies, who tried to hit him with kicks and punches.

It’s clear what happened, an attack. Then there will be disciplinary issues, but can not remain in the riots, there was an attack against a deputy. It is a question of clarity between us, it cannot be that what happened is not certified in the minutes“, Fornaro said when work resumed.

In the Chamber, M5S deputy Alfonso Colucci also contested the reconstruction of yesterday’s events in Montecitorio contained in the minutes and in the shorthand report.

(TV Screenshot)

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