Monza, Giovannini d’Oro and Corona Ferrea 2024

Premianor volunteering and openness to others, the Giovannini d’Oro 2024 with a very strong social character. Monza’s greatest merit will be awarded in ceremony on Monday 24 Juneday of Saint John co-patron of the city, in the traditional ceremony at the Arengario: at 12 in Piazza Roma, after the solemn mass in the cathedral.

Monza, Giovannini d’Oro and Corona Ferrea 2024: the winners

The recognition goes to Monsignor Silvano Provasiwho concluded his mandate as archpriest at the age of 75 and after 50 years of priesthood, in Alexander Colombo animator in the oratories of San Gerardo and Frassati of Cederna and va, to memoryto the beloved Gev Gianni Pellai and Fulvia Antonia Tizianiheart of the parish of Sant’Ambrogio and of the Ti do una mano non-profit association.

The Corona Ferrea award instead goes to Abio Brianza in the 40th year of foundation.

The winners were selected, on the basis of the applications received, by the Commission chaired by the mayor Paolo Pilotto with Rosanna MeroniEmmanuel CyrilVictor BiassoniRosella PanzeriLaura Morasso and the municipal councilors Giovanna Leek and Marco Emanuele Monguzzi.

Monza, Giovannini d’Oro and Corona Ferrea 2024: «People capable of finding time and talent to donate to others»

«This year too, the civic merits are a tribute of authentic gratitude that Monza dedicates to those who contribute to making it better every day – explains the mayor Paolo PilottoGenerosity, passion and patience distinguish the people who will be awarded this year, capable of finding time and talent to donate to others and to the growth of the entire community. The Commission had to choose from among the very high quality and depth applications received, which made the decision difficult».

Monza, Giovannini d’Oro and Corona Ferrea 2024: the biographies of the winners

Gianni Pelli (in memory)

An active citizen, first with political commitment and then as a volunteer in the Group of Volunteer Ecological Guards, he was its tireless coordinator until 2015. After being a point of reference for the San Rocco district, he became one for all the volunteers: constant presence also at the Monza Park, he stood out for his dedication to his city, for which he also served as a “civic grandfather”. Generosity and passion have been the distinctive signs of his long activity also in the service and support of the various sectors of the organisation.

Fulvia Antonia Tiziani (in memory)

Having passed away prematurely while still at the height of her tireless activity on behalf of the most vulnerable, she was involved in the Parish of Sant’Ambrogio, paying particular attention to children and young people.

Having joined the “Ti do una Mano non-profit” association, it has welcomed young people who were victims of the Chernobyl disaster on several occasions. In 2013, with her husband Salvatore, she began to mobilize for the refugee victims of the interminable war in Syria, even going in person to the Syrian Turkish border. In 2014 she was on the front line welcoming refugees upon arrival at the Central Station in Milan and the Mezzanine.

In 2019 she founded the “Mani di Pace” Association with her husband which follows various projects in Turkey and Syria.

Always available for fundraisers, ready to give a smile and a hug, even when she had to face the disease she did not stop dedicating herself to others, to children, to immigrants, listening to anyone who asked for help without stopping in the face of obstacles of language, religion and skin color. Her husband and daughters now carry on your precious and tireless work of helping and supporting those in need.

Monsignor Silvano Provasi

Archpriest of Monza since 2007, this year he celebrated the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination, at the age of 75.

His simple and direct approach has entered the hearts of all the people of Monza and not just his parishioners. Always with an eye and heart open to the entire city, he has shown particular attention to young people, collaborating with the priests of the Deanery and supporting many initiatives even outside the city area. With a great spirit of hospitality he has demonstrated on several occasions a particular sensitivity for all other forms of faith, establishing a generous and helpful conversation with everyone.

Thanks also to your patient work, the façade of the Monza Cathedral has become the wonder that everyone can admire, after six years of work.

Alexander Colombo

For thirty years serving others to make the world a better place to live. Animator adored by young people in the oratories of S. Gerardo and Frassati of Cederna.

Idol of young people, he was able to combine firmness on essential values ​​with the ability to listen and support. A friend always ready to lend a hand, a reference figure who has shown greatness of heart and support to those who engage in hospitality and comfort activities.

A skilled musician, with the “Compagnia della Blandoria” he held countless charity concerts, financing various activities in the social and cultural field. He collaborates with S. Vincenzo Dè Paoli, with the Preziosine in the Day Hospital elderly center.

He also collaborates with the Liceo Nanni Valentini to enhance the artistic heritage left by his father, the famous and beloved painter Riccardo Colombo.

The Corona Ferrea Award will be assigned to Abio Brianza, in the 40th year of foundation. The Association works with its volunteers at the IRCSS S. Gerardo, in close collaboration with the managements of the pediatric departments, supporting children and families with commitment and dedication, understanding and respecting the peculiarities and needs of each individual small patient. The volunteers, trained thanks to constant refresher and in-depth courses, work daily with sensitivity and professionalism, to make the hospital stay more comfortable, without forgetting the moments of play and celebration with children and adolescents and their families.

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