Immigration and the economy: this is how Trump “won” the race for the White House

Immigration and the economy: this is how Trump “won” the race for the White House
Immigration and the economy: this is how Trump “won” the race for the White House

The outcome of the American presidential vote has never been so uncertain. What fuels the feeling that the electoral duel will be a fight to the last vote are the characteristics and events involving the contenders themselves. Of the gaffes and doubts about the psychophysical abilities of Joe Biden we continue to be widely discussed and in the last few hours the court conviction of his son Hunter has opened a new dangerous front. Equally talked about are Donald Trump’s legal troubles and his divisive rhetoric which could cost him his victory.

Regardless of the result that will emerge from theelection daya part of the liberal electorate, however, is starting to realize that The Donald has already achieved an important political objective by influencing Biden’s agenda and, in fact, contributing to Trumpizing it. A result that worries supporters of the donkey party who are worried about a turn to the right that seems to draw from the manuals of the tycoon and which will hardly be able to be disavowed during a possible second Democratic mandate.

Specifically, they are immigration and economics are the issues on which the current head of the White House has made a sensational move closer to the positions of his rival. The website gives an account of this Politic commenting on the executive order signed by Biden at the beginning of June which closes the border with Mexico in order to stem the flood of irregular entries into States. This is the most draconian move on immigration ever taken by a Democratic president. Although this is a move resulting from political calculations, it is clear that Biden has abandoned his initial compassionate approach to the management of migrants to embrace that of an unsuspecting Trumpian.

It should be noted that the crisis on the southern border had sparked strong controversy between Washington and the local administrators of the president’s party, often at the forefront in denouncing the difficulties in welcoming thousands of immigrants sent on buses by the Republican governor of Texas . However, if on the one hand Potus’s initiative aims to throw water on the fire and restore calm in relations with the mayors of the so-called sanctuary cities, on the other hand it risks opening up serious reflections among the sympathizers of the donkey’s party.

The other issue that presents numerous points of contact between the president and his predecessor is the management of the dossier China and the competition with Beijing. At the beginning of his mandate, Biden proclaimed America’s return to the international arena after years of tensions with its main partners. While the promise was kept towards the G7 allies, relations with the great geopolitical rival of the United States continued to follow the path left by The Donald.

Most of the duties approved by Trump were confirmed by his successor. Here too there would be political strategies in view of the upcoming elections aimed at avoiding the loss of swing states such as Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Indeed, a group of senators from the Midwest are reportedly pushing the White House to increase trade tariffs on imports from China and Biden himself has announced that he wants to raise barriers on, among others, electric cars and semiconductors.

Having noted the convergences between the old Joe and Trump, it will not be easy for US voters to decide who to entrust the leadership of the world’s leading power in the next four years. However, between the confrontation with China and the control of the southern borders, the latter is the issue destined to prove decisive. THE surveys in fact, they show how immigration is the number one priority for Americans.

At this point the fear in the dem house is that, to stop the flow of immigrants at the border, undecided and independent people may prefer the billionaire’s more aggressive plan instead of opting for a watered down copy.

Even if Biden triumphs, we must then take into consideration that it could be a Pyrrhic victory with a second mandate and an entire party “infected” by Trump’s influence. In short, on November 5th we could find ourselves witnessing a victory for tycoon even in the event of his formal defeat at the polls.

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