The number of branches in Friuli Venezia Giulia to support volunteering is growing

There are already numerous branches active in the various provinces of Friuli Venezia Giulia, as part of the “Sportelli FVG” project, an initiative financed by regional tender, which sees the collaboration of the Regional FISH (Italian Federation for Overcoming Handicaps) and the Federation Volontariato FVG, organizations that have pooled skills and resources, thus offering Third Sector organizations in their territory a wide range of services. And a new branch will be inaugurated on June 12th in Pagnacco (Udine)

We had widely presented the project a couple of years ago FVG branchesan initiative born in Friuli Venezia Giuliafinanced with a regional tender, which sees the collaboration of Regional FISH (Italian Federation for Overcoming Handicaps) and the FVG Volunteer Federationtwo organizations that have shared skills and resources, thus offering Third Sector organizations in their territory a wide range of servicesto respond to the many needs, especially of medium-small businesseswhich, lacking adequate economic, material and personal resources, require, unlike large Third Sector organisations, other types of support.
In Friuli Venezia Giulia it was estimated that there were a total of them at that time 2,700 potential users of the service between Social Promotion Associations and Volunteer Organizations and of the latter 30% operate in the socio-health sector.

I am already numerous the offices that have started their work in the various Provinces of the Region (at this link, under the heading Countersthe complete list is present) and continue to grow, if it is true that in the morning of Wednesday 12 June another one will be inaugurated Pagnaccoin the province of Udine (Sala Giunta di Villa Mori, Via Castellerio, 38, 12 pm), as informed by the mayor of that locality, Laura Sandruvialready a valuable collaborator of Superando in her time. (SB)

For more information: [email protected].

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