Bishop Moscone: “Non-voting won in the first round”

“The turnout for the European Parliament stopped at 49.69%, a negative record in the history of the Republic, not even half of those entitled to vote went to the polls”– writes the bishop Father Franco Moscone.

“Sooner or later it had to happen in the absence of a trend reversal for which we don’t even seem to see the prerequisites. Abstentionism shamefully obtained the majority with a ‘historic’ negative result, thus highlighting the growing disaffection towards the institutions, in particular the European ones, if not even towards the democratic exercise of the vote: and today marks the hundredth anniversary of the Matteotti crime ! 64.82% of those eligible in San Giovanni Rotondo participated in the administrative votes of the three municipalities in the territory of the Archdiocese, 58.10% in Manfredonia (a decrease of three points compared to the administrative elections of almost three years ago) while in the Tremiti Islands reached 85.01. In the small archipelago, Annalisa Lisci from Tremito was elected Mayor, to whom I send my congratulations and best wishes for a profitable government. For San Giovanni Rotondo and Manfredonia we will have to wait for the result of the ballot in two weeks. I thank all the Mayoral candidates, even those who did not reach the ballot, for wanting to engage in the political arena at the service of their city. In light of the turnout data, I invite all citizens of Manfredonia and San Giovanna, even those who abstained in the first round, to healthy, massive and active participation in the run-off vote between the two candidates remaining on the list for the position of Mayor ”. Moscone concludes. reports it

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this