Cava d’Aliga, “We are terrified, everything happened last night”


SCICLI – Story of a woman particularly excited and apprehensive evening to Cava d’Aliga. It seems that, beyond the violent argument between two peoplesomething else happened yesterday in the immediate vicinity of Piazza Mediterraneo. You learn it from testimony of a small town in Cavadalgesewho wrote to our editorial staff for express concernon behalf of residents of the Sciclitana village.

Last night between yell outi attempted break-ins of some carsThe almost beating a disabled boy in the square and the next act of forced entry into a private hometo collect a debt, with the attempt to kidnapping of a child – tells – we witnessed some disconcerting scenes, That they leave us all stunned.

The intervention of theambulance – it is read – that has a woman in an advanced state of pregnancy was transported to hospitaltaken ill, because he saw beat up her husbandintervened for calm the minds of the quarrelsomearouses so much anger. Upon the arrival of the police, the protagonists of the incident they had already conveniently fled.

Those who write to us say they are aware of the “scarcity of controlsbut we can’t do justice to ourselves either. Now the small square of Cava d’Aliga and the immediately surrounding areas – the letter reports – I am become a place of dealing and settling accountsforcing us citizens to stay locked in the house terrified, especially at night.

The town launches a final appeal. “We love our township and we It’s heartbreaking to see it transformed into the worst of the slums. The situation is became intolerable and, for this reason, we ask for more controls and greater presence, day and night – he concludes -, of the police forces”.

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