The driver of the Mercedes in the Sistiana accident has died

The driver of the Mercedes in the Sistiana accident has died
The driver of the Mercedes in the Sistiana accident has died

10.06.2024 – 10.39 – Yes is aggravated The balance of the serious accident road traffic occurred in the afternoon of Saturday 8 June a Sistiana, in the Trieste Karst. After immediate death of the taxi driver R. Burigato, 54 years old, resident in Ronchi, also P. Ghidini, 70 years old, it is deceased in the early hours of yesterday to the Cattinara hospital due to the serious injuries sustained. The accident involved five vehicles, of which two were parked on the side of the road. Ghidini, a retired agricultural expert who worked as technician in the geophysics section of the Ogs in Borgo Grotta, he was driving a Mercedes GLA class coming from Duino and headed towards Trieste. According to the first reconstructions, the septuagenarian would have lost control of the vehicle facing a curve after the junction for Sistiana mare, invading the oncoming lane and colliding head-on with Burigato’s taxi. The impact was fatal for the taxi driver, who died instantly.

Filming systems video surveillance of homes along the highway confirmed that Ghidini’s car was proceeding sustained speed.

The carabinieri from the Aurisina station, a regional air ambulance helicopter and the 112 health workers with three ambulances and a medical vehicle immediately intervened at the scene of the accident. Despite the timely help, for Burigato there was nothing that could be done. Ghidini, initially hospitalized under yellow codesaw his condition worsen during Saturday night, until death in the intensive care unit.

The Fire Brigade also intervened, working for hours to remove the vehicles involved and restore traffic, which was seriously compromised by the accident. The traffic police managed the traffic disruptions, working together with the other agencies to clarify there dynamics of the accident.


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