Stop the naturist rally in Germany. The left takes it out on pornography

Stop the naturist rally in Germany. The left takes it out on pornography
Stop the naturist rally in Germany. The left takes it out on pornography

The nudism for GermansIt has always been almost a religion: it is practiced almost everywhere, especially on holidays. At the seaside, at the lake, camping, a method that dates back to the 1920s and even before. Something innate in the DNA of the population reported in books from the late 19th century, in the memories of elderly nature lovers and walks in the woods taken with almost nothing on.

A practice that starts from afar

However, it was in 1933, after a period of total freedom from clothing, that this practice suddenly stopped, after the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, when Hermann Goring, makes the population get dressed, especially in public places. At the end of this, however, freedom – and not only that of thought and action – also brought back to that of clothing, indeed, perhaps those who did not practice the naturism it was viewed with a kind of skepticism.

If you think about it carefully, the opposition to this custom of the “without custom” always and only occurred on the political side, whether it was the Nazi period or the subsequent one, because the Germans, with whatever school of thought, have always rebelled against the idea of with underwear or costumes.

The age of pornography

The bizarre thing is that where political repression has not worked, to use a slightly excessive term, apparently pornography is succeeding. In Germany there is real alarm reported by many newspapers, after the low participation in the celebrations for the 75th anniversary of an association, the Dfk, or the Deutscher Verband für Freikörperkultur – the German Association for free body culture – which, contrary to what one might imagine, had very few members, so much so that it decided to cancel the event.

According to the left-wing leader of the Linke Gregor Gysithe reason would be pornography itself, mixed with the fact that under the pure naturist belief, in reality many times hide practices that are much more interested in sex than in freedom in the midst of nature.

The numbers

As reported by Republic: “Just 25 years ago there were 65 thousand members of the Dfk. Now there are 34 thousand, and the vast majority are elderly.

Young people are not very attracted to undressing, all the statistics say so“. In short, being naked is no longer in fashion and like many other practices so dear to our grandparents and fathers, this too will slowly be lost, obviously only in the open air.

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