The photo “The smile is not a safety device” wins the “Safety Objective” competition of the Ravenna Building School

The photo “The smile is not a safety device” wins the “Safety Objective” competition of the Ravenna Building School
The photo “The smile is not a safety device” wins the “Safety Objective” competition of the Ravenna Building School

It took place in recent days award ceremony of the first edition of the “Obiettivo Sicurezza” photographic competition that the Provincial Building School Institute – CPT Ravenna organized in parallel with the same competition announced by Formedil at a national level.

The aim of the competition was to take a photograph that would put into highlight the importance of safety in the construction world and construction sites. ISPER – CPT Ravenna joined the national competition involving the 4th and 5th classes ofInstitute for surveyors “C. Morigia” of Ravenna to whom he dedicated a specific prize: both a small symbolic sum of money and the gift of a training course on the topic of construction chosen from the extensive catalog of the Building School.

The winner was Maria Chiara Zaganelli with the photo “a smile is not a safety device”. According to the jury of experts from ISPER – CPT Ravenna, the ironic key of the winning image clearly illustrates the banalization into which safety procedures which instead require constant and constructive attention risk falling.

When presenting the prize, Antonio Pugliese, Vice-President of the Construction School highlighted how safety on construction sites must be constantly under the magnifying glass involving the entire supply chain in the various actions with particular reference to training and accountability for behavior.

Andrea Demurtas, General Coordinator of ISPER, in thanking the Director and the professors of the Institute for Surveyors for their collaboration in the initiative and the students for their active participation in the competition, he recalled the pivotal and central role of the Building School in the training of all the figures in the construction chain and how it is the Institution’s intention to give continuity and visibility to the “Obiettivo Sicurezza” photography competition in the coming school years.

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