Civiform rewards its excellent students: this is who they are

Civiform rewards its excellent students: this is who they are
Civiform rewards its excellent students: this is who they are

The award for Civiform students.

The Civiform Training Center has awarded the students of the Cividale del Friuli and Trieste – Opicina offices who in the 2023/24 training year have distinguished themselves by obtaining excellent results in style, behavior and motivation within the “Scuola in Regola” educational model, a tool that promotes well-being at school for a positive future inclusion in the world of work. To do this, Civiform has also chosen the setting of the Ristori Theater in Cividale this year, where the animation group ANIMACIviform brought on stage the show “Dream, boy. Dream!”.

The awarded students.

The centerpiece of the morning was the award ceremony for the most deserving young people, representing the various sectors of the two offices. For Cividale del Friuli the excellences are: Nicolas Di Prima (Restaurant sector, Camilla Silverio (Agri-food), Nicola Dreosso (Graphics), Giada Mattaloni (Well being), Morgan Nadalutti (Electric), Alessandro Carraro (Informatics). For the headquarters of Opicinaawards for: Allyson Ilari (Graphics), Leandro Deda (Mechanics), Denise Ruzzier (Agri-food), Roxana Beatrice Balaceanu (Catering), Aurora Lagrande (Tourist animation technician), Erich Pecar (Informatics). He was also rewarded Mahbub Husen Mda young foreigner welcomed by Civiform who, thanks to the courses he attended at Civiform, has achieved important objectives: today he has established himself professionally in the world of catering and is well integrated into the community.

After school experiences.

During the event, a voice was given to former students who recounted their successful experiences. Furthermore, the most important moments of the training year were retraced, dedicated to educational and technological innovation, internationalisation, legality and safety, sustainability, inclusion and solidarity. In summary: valorization of talents all round. At its core, Civiform’s desire to pursue its mission by acting as generator of innovation and quality.

President Roberto Molinaro declared: “With this ceremony we want to publicly recognize the dimension of value created by our young people for the benefit of the territory and of a community with an increasingly international scope”. “Individual talent put at the service of others – she continued – is not only personal wealth, but also social and economic and can contribute to the excellence of our Region and, more generally, of Society.”

The awards ceremony was followed by a theatrical show “Dream, boy. Dream!” brought on stage by the students after their debut at the 53rd student Palio “Città di Udine”. A narrative about the influence of good and bad teachers realized through acting, dancing and singing performances.

The awards ceremony.

To reward the students in the presence of the staff and families, as well as the President Molinaro and to the director Clear Franceschini, Elisa Marzinottodirector of the Training Service of the Central Directorate for Work, Training, Education and Family e Patrizia Pavatti Director of the Education, Orientation and Right to Study Service of the FVG Region. With them too Federica Sacentipresident of Scuola Centrale Formazione, an association of which Civiform is part together with 49 other bodies from all over Italy and thanks to which it operates at a national and European level in the field of sharing best training practices. Numerous guests attended: in addition to the municipal councilor Rita Cozzirepresenting the Mayor of Cividale del Friuli, numerous members of the Police Force, as well as various expressions of the most significant realities of the territory.

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