which Europe? – Echo of Savona

which Europe? – Echo of Savona
which Europe? – Echo of Savona

Tomorrow and Sunday EU citizens are called to vote on the composition of the new European Parliament. But never before has confusion reigned supreme in the minds of those who decide to go to the polls. The point is that it is not clear which Europe one should vote for, since a true European Union, from a political point of view, is practically non-existent. There have been many occasions in which this “inanity” has been revealed over the last few decades. Among these, however, the two wars raging in the Middle East and Ukraine respectively stand out. Because in these tragic circumstances, Europe could have expressed itself with a strong and clear voice, launching diplomatic initiatives, purified from the logic of low fan base or ideological blindness. On the contrary, we once again opted for an uncritical alignment with the diktats coming from overseas.
This was particularly evident in the case of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, where the United States and its allies imposed a monotonous, exclusively military strategy. But while more than two years ago, it was possible to agree on the need to support a country illegitimately attacked by the Russian Union (which had however previously suffered wrongs, massacres and threats on which disconcerting censure fell), today, with the Ukraine almost entirely destroyed and thousands of soldiers and civilians killed, this “therapeutic fury” to prolong the slaughter is frankly no longer justified. What could or could still be done by a European Union worthy of the name? Simple. Assume a third-party role, and, given that no one is doing it, adopt a serious negotiating initiative, which is not at all submissive in the face of Putin’s demands, but which instead establishes conditions on which the Russian Autarch himself would be forced to express his opinion. That is: safeguarding the territorial integrity of Ukraine, its membership of the EU (but not of NATO) and provision of a referendum under the aegis of the UN on the independence of the Russian-speaking populations of Donbass.
And yet nothing. Even though they are aware that the continuation of the war, in addition to having serious economic repercussions on the EU countries themselves, has now brought us to the threshold of the third world war, European leaders persist in talking only about weapons, recently even hypothesizing the possibility (which has become concrete) to supply Kiev with military equipment capable of striking Russian territory.
Having said this, the writer still considers it difficult to orient himself in this electoral consultation. The situation is full of chiaroscuro and it would be necessary to avoid not only rewarding the “blindness” just described, but also approving a “scenario” that supports the Russian temptation to disarticulate Western public opinions, favoring ambiguous extremists who flirt with political interests Kremlin economics. A nice dilemma therefore, with only one certainty.
Inspire our vote on the reasons for a fair Peace, which will save us from the abyss into which we are falling.

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