#Comunali2024, Moscherini in the square: from the port to the Ztl, yesterday’s intervention

Appointment in the square yesterday afternoon for Gianni Moscherini, who closed a “low profile” electoral campaign by bringing together the candidates in his support at the foot of the museum for a meeting on the themes of the programme, with particular attention to the defense of the territory from threats such as, on all, the nuclear waste deposit that risks ending up in Tuscia.

“Why am I applying again to Tarquinia? – his opening words, along the lines of his first arrival in Tarquinia as a candidate, now seven years ago – Because I fell in love with it after living there for five years when I was president of the Port Authority of Civitavecchia. A love that arises both from the human characteristics of people and because I come from a seaside town and here I found 23 kilometers of beaches just a stone’s throw from the hills.”

Then the themes of the program, read from the presentation brochure being distributed. “The project that I will summarize is the one from last time and from the time before, given that they waged war on me so as not to let me manage the change”: he begins by recalling the controversies that surrounded the last administrative session.

We start with the flagships: a new Lido, a renovated Sant’Agostino – “ever since I talked about it, even the people of Civitavecchia want to take it back!” –, naturally the tourist port: “The project brought to the Region is the one I had in the program five years ago”.

And again Saline and the hospital: “I want to discuss with the region and the Ministry of Health the possibility of creating a real emergency room every 4 or 5 km of beaches.” Then again the sports citadel relocated to the coastal strip, the reduction of municipal taxes on agriculture, commerce and craftsmanship and more, including law 28/80 on San Giorgio.

There is no shortage of attacks on the outgoing administration. “If I become mayor, I will immediately cancel the ZTL and make a law to prohibit the killing of animals. And do you think we can silently watch all those pine trees being cut down?”.

At the end of the speech, Moscherini then left the floor to Professor Angelo Di Giorgio, municipal councilor of Montalto di Castro, who touched on the issues of territorial defense, starting from the national radioactive waste repository and moving on to offshore wind fields: ” We need strong resistance from the population.”


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