Flights, here’s when to book at the lowest price: day and times

When it comes to booking flights, there’s no magic day of the week or time of day that will always guarantee a good deal. This is because airlines use dynamic pricing, determined by algorithms that change prices based on real-time demand.
But some strategies can still be adopted to increase the chances of saving, taking into account the cost trend of the last period.

How much time before
Data from Expedia’s 2024 Air Travel Hacks report reveals a series of data-backed savings tips for finding the cheapest ticket. The first suggestion is that an international airline ticket should be booked within 60 days, and no more than 4 months in advance, with an optimal saving of 10%, while for a domestic flight the right time to purchase is between four and five weeks before. The analysis shows that average ticket prices remain virtually unchanged compared to last year and that flight cancellation rates have improved (1.7% of flights compared to 4.1% in 2022), with positive trends for travelers who said they got a good deal (61%), although up to 28% of passengers continue to monitor prices after purchasing to see if they saved or spent more than others.

The best day to buy
Once upon a time, Tuesday was the best day to book, but after analyzing millions of bookings over the last two years, Sunday is 13% cheaper. A study conducted by Upgraded Points also found that the cheapest day to book can also vary depending on the airline, with the highest prices on Saturdays, the day on which there is a 7.3% increase compared to the average cost of a ticket. An effective solution is to set up price alerts, which will notify you of price changes in real time and help you understand whether to wait or book immediately.

The cheapest day to fly
According to the Air Travel Hacks report, Thursday is generally the cheapest day to fly, while Sunday is the most expensive. During the summer, leaving on a Monday for international flights or on a Tuesday for domestic flights can lead to savings of 15% compared to other days.

The best time to travel
To minimize the impact of delays and cancellations, statistics tell us that you need to fly before 3pm. Flights departing in the afternoon and evening are statistically 50% more likely to be canceled or delayed than earlier flights .

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