Student raped in Rome, Borgese had struck on the same day 9 years ago – SulPanaro

Student raped in Rome, Borgese had struck on the same day 9 years ago – SulPanaro
Student raped in Rome, Borgese had struck on the same day 9 years ago – SulPanaro

(Adnkronos) – Simone Borgese, the 39-year-old arrested for aggravated sexual assault on charges of having abused a student last May 8th in Rome, had already struck on May 8th 2015. That day he had gotten into the victim’s taxi , a 43-year-old woman, in via Aurelia before 7 and had been taken to viale Pescina Gagliarda. There she had abused him and then robbed her. For that violence he was convicted and served seven years in prison, being released on November 10, 2021. Even in the case for which he has now been arrested, the violence occurred on May 8. This time the victim was tricked into getting into the car and then taken to an isolated street where the violence occurred. Furthermore, on 14 November 2022 Borgese was sentenced to 2 years and 10 months by the judges of the first criminal section of the Court of Rome on charges of sexual harassment of a 17-year-old inside an elevator in Rome. The abuse against the girl, who was younger than her at the time, dates back to June 2014. The man followed the 17-year-old into an entrance hall of a building and abused her in the elevator. The young woman initially reported the violence she had suffered but was unable to provide useful information to the investigators in order to identify the man. But then when Borgese was arrested after the rape of the taxi driver, she recognized her molester from the photos published in the newspapers. —[email protected] (Web Info)

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