Luca’s Horoscope – Tuesday 4 June 2024



Take advantage of the breath of lightness that touches all the signs to make your life more lively, without needing to bet all your chips on a single number but dispersing your attention in various directions. Now it’s about building your own mosaic, putting together even discordant elements and giving them a common sense. You will be facilitated by a pleasant feeling of economic stability.


For you, the material and concrete aspect of life is very important, the one that gives you security and stability. In this period, new fortunate elements emerge that contribute to improving your position from an economic point of view but not only. You also discover an unexpected ability to move independently, with your own strength. It’s as if by opening cupboards and drawers you found a treasure.


The conjunction of the Sun with Venus in your sign is a sort of hymn to love, it tempers your excessively severe and rigid attitude which pushes you to protect yourself to avoid feeling vulnerable. Today the climate is markedly different and you feel that you can relax, trust your feelings and let emotions govern your life without any fear. Allow yourself to smile.


The configuration promotes communication, especially regarding social relationships. Affection finds the right channels to manifest itself and love opens its way, without you having to do anything other than rely on your desire for harmony. Privileged conditions are created that generate a favorable climate around you, in which you can open your petals and share your scent.


For a few days you can count on a greater ability to adapt, to adapt to the situation in the professional field, thus finding the most suitable way to create alliances. Listening helps you in your work, also making your approach light and carefree. In the air you glimpse the first signs of a change that you desire but which does not depend only on you. Don’t worry, it’s already closer.


At work you have a special opportunity available, something that meets your expectations and puts you in a good mood. This is a lucky period for you, enjoy the charge of joy that passes through you and let it expand through every pore of your skin. It could be the right time to ask life for something more, it is more than likely that your desire will be satisfied.


The conjunction of the Sun with Venus, your planet, can only be a very good omen for you. It announces rewards and luck and transforms your way of approaching things thanks to a confident and smiling attitude. Love is the protagonist not only of this day but of the entire period. Take advantage of positive circumstances to relax and savor every moment.


The Moon in Taurus looks you in the eyes, asking you to change something in order to modify a too routine attitude in your relationship with your partner. Love needs a small dose of surprise, of novelty, which gives a different flavor to the relationship, rekindling its flame. Yours is a fixed sign and sometimes you tend to take things too much for granted. Imagine they aren’t…


The configuration of these days is particularly positive and is so from various points of view. Give free rein to your desires, reducing self-censorship and granting a pinch of credibility even to what a priori would seem impossible. In love in the next few days you could have a slightly magical moment, start immediately to notice the warning signs. Will you be able to recognize them?


Today the configuration seems intent on giving you additional help with regards to everyday life in its many forms and tasks and more specifically work, for which it lends you its magic wand with the request that you use it with discretion. But luck is there and makes itself felt, something blooms like a flower. Or maybe it’s a butterfly, emerging from its cocoon ready to fly?


These days I’m talking to you about love since the planets seem to have agreed to favor you in this sector. I will continue to do so in the next few days as this trend continues, perhaps because it will take a few days to completely convince you to give in to your feelings, leaving aside the reasoning and concepts that you like so much. It’s not about sailing but about immersing yourself.


There is a very particular climate these days and you too benefit from it, because around you you feel that something is melting resistance, creating an affectionate and welcoming environment, not only outside but also inside you. You find a direct line with your feelings, love bursts in and has a freshness that you didn’t expect, which could even make you lose your mind. Surrender to exuberance.

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