Ribolla Gialla Wine Festival, record weekend in San Vito al Tagliamento – Nordest24

Ribolla Gialla Wine Festival, record weekend in San Vito al Tagliamento – Nordest24
Ribolla Gialla Wine Festival, record weekend in San Vito al Tagliamento – Nordest24

A record weekend, the one that San Vito al Tagliamento experienced thanks to the second edition of the Ribolla Gialla Wine Festival, which with its formula capable of combining food and wine excellence with cultural and entertainment proposals recorded a full house from 31 May to 2 June despite the weather not being the most favourable. Satisfaction from the Municipality at the end of a great organizational work.

“Only regarding the glasses served – declared the councilor for Vitality Andrea Bruscia – the estimates we are collecting stand for a significant increase that is close to doubling the already positive first edition. Between 25 thousand and 30 thousand glasses, thousands of dishes: an induced activity that is like an injection of energy and hope for all those who worked. In fact, from Saturday afternoon until Sunday evening there was a continuous influx and a constant flow of people who were able to find a vast offering between markets, cultural events, children’s shows and food and wine spaces. In just one weekend our exhibitions had around 1000 visitors, of which 591 only for “Genius Loci” by Labellarte.

In particular, we reached the highlight on Saturday evening with the Notte Gialla, new this year which was a successful bet: Piazza del Popolo and Parco Rota full of people and the Court of the Castle which brought together hundreds of young people who sang and danced with Calcutta night and Indie Power. Great turnout also for the two events organized together with Pordenonelegge with Dario Vergassola and Maurizio de Giovanni. Our intent was to propose a program with the right mix between food and wine, carried away by the specificity of Ribolla Gialla, the true symbolic wine of Friuli Venezia Giulia, and cultural events: food for the mind and soul of people”.

Now it’s time to close the organizational machine waiting for next year. “Thanks to all those who made this success possible – concluded the councilor -: from the wineries to the restaurateurs, from the merchants to the local associations starting from the Pro Loco up to the vitality office and to the citizens who, in particular the inhabitants of the center historic, once again enthusiastically welcomed an event in our beautiful San Vito. We don’t stop here, we are already working to create a summer season full of proposals for everyone.”

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