Ripatransone, the Tournament of Municipalities of the province of Ascoli Piceno begins – picenotime

Ripatransone, the Tournament of Municipalities of the province of Ascoli Piceno begins – picenotime
Ripatransone, the Tournament of Municipalities of the province of Ascoli Piceno begins – picenotime

Today, Monday 3 June, the Municipal Tournament of the province of Ascoli Piceno, which will take place at the Luca Carboni Sports Center Of Ripatransone. The event, organized by the Polisportiva Valtesino with the support of the Administration of the Municipality of Ripatransone, promises to be an opportunity for great sport and conviviality.

The Mayor Alessandro Rocchi and the City Councilor delegated to Sport Nicolino Giannetti, gave their blessing to the team municipality of Grottammare led by Mr. Giancarlo Pomili and his deputy Luca Lanciotti. The team will represent the City of Grottammare and is made up of a selection of talented players from the three city ​​teams: Grottammare Calcio, GMD Grottammare and Sporting Grottammare. These clubs, respectively chaired by Giorgio Rivosecchi, Ercole Bollettini and Pasqualino Santori, offered with their shirts enthusiastically for the Grottammarese selection.

The lineup includes the following players: Cannella Ivan, Ceccarelli Luca, Ciotti Lorenzo, De Panicis Michele, Di Berardino Gianmarco, Lini Eduardo David, Egidi Emanuele, Franchi Simone, Medori Alessandro, Pomili Davide, Pomili Massimiliano, Scartozzi Samuele, Taffora Andrea e Tombilini Giorgio. It is a heterogeneous group that, in addition to the players of the local teams, also includes some boys who play in formations outside Grottammare. One of the key ideas promoted by Councilor Giannetti is importance of the union between the sports associations of Grottammare. The three teams they generously agreed to provide their jerseys, not only for give visibility to the associations themselves, but also to underline the value of the work they do every year in Grottammare. The group to overcome for the Grottammarese selection is made up of Offida and Force teams. The premiere will be held tomorrow, Tuesday 4 June match against the Offida team.

The message we want to convey is clear: unity is strength. The Mayor Rocchi and Councilor Giannetti are convinced that this collaboration will help strengthen the link between the different realities sports in the city, while promoting the importance of sport as a vehicle for inclusion and social growth. A big thumbs up to wolf to Mr. Giancarlo Pomili, to his deputy Luca Lanciotti and to the whole team team that will defend the colors of the Municipality of Grottammare. May it be a tournament of successes, but above all of fun and sportsmanship.

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this