Gino Cecchettin at the torchlight procession for Giada Zanola: the meeting with her father before the procession in Vigonza

Gino Cecchettin at the torchlight procession for Giada Zanola: the meeting with her father before the procession in Vigonza
Gino Cecchettin at the torchlight procession for Giada Zanola: the meeting with her father before the procession in Vigonza

Among the two thousand people took to the streets to hug each other in remembrance Giada Zanola there was also Gino Cecchettin. Even the life of the young 34-year-old, as well as that of her daughter Giulia, was taken away at the hands of a man who said he loved her. This time the small town of Vigonza, in the province of Padua, where the former partner Andrea Favero he threw her while still alive from the A4 motorway overpass.

From the home of the victim, mother of a three-year-old child, at 8.30 pm this evening the painful torchlight procession moved towards that overpass, just over a kilometer away, ending silently at the point where the woman would have fallen. An eloquent banner anticipated the thousands of lights in procession: “Love does not kill”.

Accompanied by friends, acquaintances and fellow citizens of the victim, there were the victim’s brother, sister and cousins ​​who had come from Brescia. “A terrible week, we are shocked”, comments uncle Ivo, who had spoken to Giada for the last time a month ago and had felt that she was calm.

But the father is also there – supported throughout the entire journey by the mayor of Vigonza Gianmaria Boscaro –, who a few months earlier, in December, had also had to endure the loss of his wife. And to Giada’s father, Gino Cecchettin would have addressed a few words before the start of the procession: “I don’t know what’s happening”, is the only phrase he would have managed to pronounce in the face of a well-known tragedy. “With every feminicide I relive Giulia’s,” he would have said, but the desire for closeness to the family was even stronger than the pain.

Once the event was over, the family preferred to leave immediately for home, but a large part of the participants still remained meditating on the bridge for a while.

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this