Referendum on work, “Civizzate Fasano” organizes an in-depth meeting

Fasano – “For dignified, safe, protected and stable work”, this is the title of the public meeting organized by the “Civizzate Fasano” group for Friday 7 June at 7pm at the Cloister of the Minor Observants.

The aim of the meeting is to deepen and promote the collection of signatures launched by the national CGIL for the four referendum questions through the campaign “For work I put my signature”.

The meeting will see the participation of Antonio Macchiageneral secretary of the CGIL Brindisi, of Stefano Carrieridoctor in Political and Political Sciences Donato Marinoresearcher in Labor Law at the “Aldo Moro” University of Bari.

“Italy is a Republic founded on work” reads article 1 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic. But in the last 20 years there has been a change in labor law characterized by a general lowering of the levels of protection of workers: precariousness and low wages, accidents at work, organizational models that are not always appropriate, lack of adequate protection for numerous professions. For this reason, the construction of a new civilization of work is increasingly urgent and necessary, as well as no longer postponable.

During the evening it will be possible to sign the four referendum questions promoted by the CGIL.

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