“Dear Europe, find your soul and peace”, meeting in Sezze – Luna Notizie – Latina News

SEZZE – On the occasion of the upcoming European Parliament elections on 8 and 9 June, on Saturday 1st June, a meeting was held at the Parish of Santa Lucia in Sezze, promoted by the “Caffè a Santa Lucia”, regarding the letter « Dear Europe, find your soul and peace again. We want you ever closer and friend”, written by the Cardinal, Matteo Zuppi, and by the Bishop of the Diocese of Latina, Priverno, Sezze and Terracina, Monsignor Mariano Crociata.
The meeting began with a presentation of the two authors of the letter: the Cardinal, Matteo Zuppi, personally appointed by the Pope, in May 2022, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI), the permanent assembly of Italian bishops responsible, among the other, to follow the relations between the Catholic Church and the Italian State; and the Bishop, Mariano Crociata, appointed last March 2023, President of the Commission of the Episcopal Conferences of the European Community (Comece), a structure that brings together European bishops with the aim of examining the politics and legislation of the European Union (EU ) from the point of view of the Social Doctrine of the Church.
The letter, presented by Prof. Giancarlo Loffarelli, after recalling the history of the EU from 1950 to today and quoting the founding fathers, develops the crucial theme “The meaning of being together” in a colloquial and innovative way, and then addresses the many issues that afflict the EU today, including those relating to: “The return of war” – summarized in the question posed to the EU by the Pope in the Lisbon speech of August 2023, “where are you sailing towards, if you do not offer paths of peace , creative ways to put an end to the war in Ukraine and the many conflicts that bloodied the world? »; “To migrants and its implications” – “It is not a question of welcoming everyone – the article invites us to reflect – but that no one loses their life on the “journeys of hope” and many can find hospitality. Whoever welcomes, generates life!;
“Disinformation” – “Unfortunately, there is no shortage of dangers – highlights the article -, such as those that come from disinformation which threatens the orderly development of democratic life and the very possibility of an undistorted memory and history”.
“To the next elections” – “We are all invited – ends the article – to participate in the elections to give a strong signal on the vitality of democracy in the EU, so that “this electoral round truly becomes an opportunity for relaunch”, and to avoid that on June 10th it will be discovered that half of Europeans were missing from the elections.” The meeting ended with a heartfelt applause of thanks from those present, addressed to the illustrious high prelates, authors of the letter, and to Prof. Loffarelli who, in addition to having transformed the text into a theatrical piece, highlighted and
depth to every single topic covered.

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