Tajani: «You can’t ask for resignation every day, we defend Mattarella: we are a pro-European party»

On the side of the head of state, the foreign minister and deputy prime minister Antonio Tajani reiterates live on Corriere TV, interviewed by deputy director Fiorenza Sarzanini, his defense of Sergio Mattarella from the League’s attacks on Republic Day. «I reiterate the thoughts of Forza Italia: we are a pro-European party, we are part of the family of the European People’s Party which gave birth to the family of the European Union – explains Tajani– Being pro-European does not mean being anti-Italian, the first pro-European is Dante Alighieri, continental European law is the son of Roman law, the first single currency was that of the Roman Empire, if we were Chinese we would be the eleventh province of China, how could we compete on our own? We don’t need to campaign, but remember who we are. And our roots are Christian: we are the only continent in the world that does not have the death penalty, John Paul II was a pro-European, like Pope Ratzinger.”

«We and the League? We are not part of the same European family”

The Northern League’s criticisms of Mattarella, who had in fact valorised the pro-European character of our Republic, did not please Tajani: «You can’t ask for someone’s resignation every day, and then the requests for the resignation of the head of state on Republic Day seem exaggerated to me.” Even more so since «Mattarella referred to article 11 of the Constitution, nothing strange», as already specified by Forza Italia group leader in the Chamber Barelli. So, how do you live with such different souls? «We are together because we are the result of a coalition that has had the consent of the voters, but we must not be part of the same European family, we must clear the field of Italian things», explains Tajani.

Reforms and risks

The deputy prime minister also categorically denies that premiership and justice reform could translate into an attack on the head of state: «None of the reforms we are supporting go against the institutions – he explains – we don’t want to unpack the Republic, we just need a more stable government. We have been accustomed for years, between Berlusconi and Meloni, to having unelected Prime Ministers. Seeing ministers always changing means having less weight on the EU and international stage, continuity is important, but we don’t want to attack the Quirinale. It is a way to strengthen our Republic and our economic system. Reforms serve to make the economy grow, an investor is inclined to invest if he knows the times, if he has certainty even in the times of justice. For decades we have had party currents that influenced the magistrates. We must have institutions that are above all suspicion.” An example? «I am the son of a soldier and I never knew who voted, I found out later, when my father voted for me but was now retired. When you serve the State you have to be above parties, when there are people who wear robes and engage in politics, it’s wrong, it’s not right. I must be judged by an independent magistrate, not friend or enemy.” And the currents, which include both magistrates and judges? «In fact, I am for eliminating the currents – underlines Tajani – But we would never bring prosecutors under the government using the separation of careers», she specifies.

From Ukraine to Israel

Another thorny topic is that of weapons to Ukraine. Tajani reiterates: «We are convinced supporters of the independence of Ukraine, I will participate in the reconstruction conference in Berlin, we will send other weapons, including Samp ts, but they must be used on Ukrainian territory, to shoot down other missiles, before they land, we must not strike on Russian territory, because we are not at war with Russia. We must be cautious when dealing with these issues, peace is at stake, we must defend Ukraine, international law, but be careful not to declare war on Russia. The Americans were also equally cautious, they gave permission to hit only one base. Stoltenberg expressed an opinion, but we will never send our soldiers. Before I send thousands of people to die, I think about it. It is our duty to work for peace, and I am very sorry that China is not attending the summit in Switzerland: our goal must be to force Putin to sit at a table with Zelensky.” A push towards resolving the conflict that Tajani also has towards Israel: “That’s what we will try to do”bring Netanyahu to the peace table. «We want a ceasefire, we support the American project, we hope that the hostages will be freed and an end to a war that has led to tens of thousands of victims who are mostly innocent». And in the meantime “soon I will be in Nepi where food aid for Gaza is being collected, a shipment authorized by both the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority”, anticipates Tajani.

The candidate of the EU Commission

Against the backdrop of the European elections, we are already thinking about the commission’s candidate, but no one goes too far with the names: «The Treaty says that the heads of state and government will indicate a candidate who must go to Parliament and have a majority. The EPP Congress has nominated Ursula Von der Leyen, but given that there is no direct election, her name will have to be voted on by Parliament. The other time Macron tried to blow up the EPP candidate, but we blew up Timmermans, Merkel proposed Von der Leyen and so we managed to impose our own candidate. Salvini loyally did not vote for me, because for him I was equal to the socialist, but I won anyway. A de facto anti-European position. This means that there is a precise choice, but then after that vote we worked together, we did not break the alliance.”

Now is there a risk of competition? «The only thing I want to do is with FI, myself, the voters – Tajani minimizes – we want to give a perspective to the voters who are between Meloni and Schlein, a political force that doesn’t shout, that only promises what it can keep, it’s not a case that we have asked civic mayors to support us, we are trying to create a path to ensure that many Italians have a reassuring force to look to. We are certainly the center of the center right.” Mbut in this center there is no room for Renzi and Calenda: «No, they belong to other families, they supported our candidate in Basilicata, because we were able to aggregate, but I hope they manage to exceed 4%, I never attack anyone, otherwise it becomes what Berlusconi called political theater ». And speaking of Berlusconi, Tajani also defends himself from the criticism of wanting to create a “museum party”: «We have not removed it from the symbol, not because I want to create a nostalgic party, but I want to reiterate that the root of this party is Berlusconi, the ideas, the principles, the liberal battles, arise from his thought, why must we deny him? We have only prepared, as every year, a handbook for the representatives of lisata, and since it may happen that someone writes Berlusconi, we have clarified that the vote is valid. FI is a credible force, and it is the most useful vote in the EU, because in the EU the EPP counts, and so Italy counts more”.

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