Messina: Michele’s death in Giostra perhaps linked to a tragic fatality

Messina: Michele’s death in Giostra perhaps linked to a tragic fatality
Messina: Michele’s death in Giostra perhaps linked to a tragic fatality

A shot fired by mistake from the gun he was showing to his friends would have killed Michele Lanfranchi.

As the hours passed, the hypothesis took shape that his death was the result of a tragic accident. At least this is the reconstruction that comes out of the stories of the witnesses heard by the investigators of the Messina Flying Squad and which is now being examined to see if it is truthful or if something doesn’t add up. The investigations into the death of the 19-year-old are not closed, we continue to try to clarify the contours of the story.

Michele Lanfranchi’s body was found lifeless on Saturday night in Giostra, not far from where he lived. The 19-year-old, who would have turned 20 in July, was at a friend’s house and was fiddling with the gun he had had for a few days. He was showing it to other friends of his when suddenly the shot went off and wounded him in the neck. A glaring wound from which a lot of blood came out. The friends would have called 112 while one of them took the 19-year-old out of the house, waiting for help, trying to resuscitate him. But when 118 arrived, Michele was already lifeless. On the ground, along the sidewalk of via Michelangelo Rizzo, in Giostra, a puddle of blood. The gun, a 7.65 caliber found in Michele’s hand, remained at the scene and was recovered by investigators.

As mentioned, the investigations are not closed. The Prosecutor’s Office has opened a file and the deputy prosecutor Liliana Todaro has ordered an autopsy to be carried out. You also ordered that ballistic tests be carried out to verify the exact trajectory of the bullet that fatally hit the 19-year-old. Meanwhile, forensics has recovered the traces on site, which will be examined in the laboratory.

Starting with the shell casing, found outside the house and not inside. Many questions to clarify the contours of the story. Michele had some small precedents with the law. He had recently found work as a labourer. He was starting a new life and instead everything ended suddenly.

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