tomorrow evening in Latina the meeting with Luca Palamara

The meeting entitled “Justice and politics: a complex relationship” will be held tomorrow, next Monday, June 3, at 6.30 pm, at the MUG (Giannini Museum) in via Oberdan in Latina. The event, sponsored by the “Alcide De Gasperi” Political Culture Club, will see the participation of prominent personalities in the field of justice and politics.

Participants and Topics

The debate will be enriched by the presence of Luca Palamara, former member of the Superior Council of the Magistracy (CSM) and former president of the National Association of Magistrates, together with lawyers Nicolò Giglio and Giovanni Fontana. The closing of the works will be entrusted to Matteo Faiola, President of the “Alcide De Gasperi” Political Culture Club.

Objectives of the Meeting

“Monday’s meeting will be an opportunity – explain the organizers – to address a delicate and complex issue such as that between justice and politics, in the days in which we are once again talking about justice reform with the green light for the separation of careers, that is, the clear separation of the careers of magistrates who carry out a prosecuting function from those who, instead, carry out a judging function”. The event represents an important opportunity for professionals and citizens to discuss crucial issues such as the separation of careers, the digitalisation of trials, the functioning of justice and the Cartabia and Nordio reforms.

Importance of Luca Palamara’s Participation

The organizers underline the importance of listening to Luca Palamara’s point of view to closely understand the events that have shaken public opinion and the judiciary. Palamara, known for his publications “Il Sistema” and “Lobby e Logge”, in which he talks about the relationships between power, politics and business, will be a key protagonist of the debate. “We are convinced that listening to Luca Palamara’s point of view – explain the organizers – is important to closely understand the events, known to all, which have shaken public opinion and the Judiciary and which have seen him personally involved” .


“All themes – concludes Matteo Faiola – which concern the future of Italian justice”. The meeting will be moderated by journalist Renata Tomasini, guaranteeing an in-depth and well-articulated debate on issues of great importance for the Italian judicial system.

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