For a few days now the choice for the Italian post seemed clear, and with the latest developments it would be surprising if the next coach of the Florentine it wasn’t Raffaele Palladino. The former Monza coach has been in Florence since yesterday and this morning he will meet again with the Viola managers to iron out the final details and conclude the agreement that should bind him to the club Commisso until 2026.

Last sprint – After the final lost in Athens, Fiorentina has broken the deadlock, transforming the contacts of the last few weeks into real meetings, also to prevent other companies from joining last minute. Palladino, through his entourage, had already spoken several times with the Viola and even on the occasion of the match lost to the Franchi in the last days of the championship, he had made it clear with a smile on his lips that the transfer rumors surrounding his name were not just speculation.

Let’s start once again – Fiorentina therefore has decided to confirm the philosophy with which he had chosen Italian three years ago. A young and ambitious coach, with some experience in Serie A but compared to his predecessor even less in general as a pro coach. Lower hiring costs, ambitions that start from the left side of the table, waiting to know the market which will be managed by Pradè and Goretti. A market that won’t be amazing, but with great attention to the accounts, will have to revolutionize the squad.

No fundamentalism – There is a big difference between Palladino and Italian: the probable future Viola coach has often changed formation, starting from the three-man defense but also making the four-man defence, perhaps also to try to get up to speed with the possible module to be deployed under the Maratona tower. He is a coach who grew up on bread and Gasperini, but he also knew how to change his skin based on the needs of his team. A characteristic that Pradè really likes and the sporting director has always been very good at choosing his coaches, just think of Montella and the Italian himself.

Announcement in sight? – At this point, if today everything were to go in the right direction, it is plausible to expect the announcement already in the conference which should be held on Tuesday. Fiorentina decided to immediately respond with action to Fiesole’s harsh words, even if it is not certain that this will be enough to smooth out relations after this first real big break between the warm part of the fans and Commisso’s club. Palladino will have to overcome this fiery climate and get to work just like Montella did many years ago. There are similarities, the hope is that the new coach can try to overcome all the obstacles to bring a Viola that is in the process of revolution to the top.

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