Genoa, there is mystery about the death of the Lithuanian basketball player who fell from a wall

The case of the death of a 27-year-old Lithuanian basketball player, Aurimas Cybas, is a mystery for now, found dead on Saturday morning in Genoa near the Corso Podestà wall. The basketball player’s body was inside a courtyard. It was the inhabitant of a condominium who noticed the defenseless body on the ground around lunchtime and raised the alarm. The investigations are conducted by the Carabinieri. For now, little is known about the matter. There are many points to clarify.

From the first rumors it appears that the athlete is a resident of Vilnius and that he was in Genoa as a guest of a friend who plays on a basketball team in Sestri Ponente, his compatriot Rimantas Daunys. Another certain point is that she would have spent Friday evening in a nightclub in Piazza Dante. At least until she was kicked out of the club by the security guards with whom she had argued. Aurimas, the witnesses say, had drunk a lot of alcohol and was visibly impaired. Then he disappeared. The police are viewing the footage from the surveillance cameras to try to reconstruct his last movements.

No hypothesis is excluded. He could have fallen from the wall, perhaps impaired by alcohol, but he could also have been pushed by someone. According to what was reported by Secolo XIX, the Carabinieri at the Carignano station interviewed several witnesses who spent the evening with the victim. Among these the Sestri player Daunys and his girlfriend and compatriot Aiste Vaitekunaite, also a professional basketball player. Both would have ruled out that Aurimas had problems that would lead him to suicide. Instead, they described him as “happy, entertained and carefree.”

The Genoese prosecutor’s office has opened a case and the hypothesized crime is murder even if it is only a technical act to be able to carry out more in-depth investigations. What attracted the medical examiner’s attention were some wounds on the young Lithuanian’s back. The autopsy will provide clarification on the causes of death.

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