European Geoparks Week, a meeting with the Park Authority on perspectives, tourism and urban regeneration

European Geoparks Week, a meeting with the Park Authority on perspectives, tourism and urban regeneration
European Geoparks Week, a meeting with the Park Authority on perspectives, tourism and urban regeneration

The Madonie Park Authority, on the occasion of the European Geoparks Week, in synergy with the Sotto Sale association and Italkali, has outlined the programmatic lines of future actions in the field of tourism and territory. At the meeting, which was held yesterday (24 May 2024) at the Raffo rock salt mine, in Petralia Soprana, numerous representatives of the 22 municipalities of the “Madonie UNESCO Geopark”.

Prospects for strengthening, tourism development and urban regeneration are the topics covered. Right there rock salt mine and Mount Bovolito itself, which houses the deposit, constitute a model of integrated geotourism management, capable of attracting significant national and international tourist flows, with important repercussions on the local economy. The president of the Sotto Sale association offered the initial greetings Carlo Li Pumathe director of the mining site Angelo Curatolo, the mayor of Petralia Soprana Pietro Macaluso and the commissioner of the Madonie Park Authority Salvatore Caltagirone.

“The municipality of Petralia Soprana – explains the mayor of the Madonie village – strongly believes in the Madonie Geopark, together with all the other municipalities we are ready to ensure that this geological heritage and beyond is adequately valorised to be a driving force for the development of the territory”.

“We invited those present to initiate constant and direct dialogue in the relevant institutional bodies to plan the next steps in strengthening the geopark”, commented Commissioner Salvatore Caltagirone. “Collaboration with the Park Authority is of primary importance – underlines Carlo Li Puma – fundamental to carry out cultural and research activities”. The initiative follows a few days after the birth, within the Madonie municipal administrations, of the Geopark representatives, who will constitute the operational team for the development of the projects in the coming months. Territories, those of the Madonie, rich in geological values, whichUNESCO declared sites of global importance.

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