Palermo Coffee Festival: Specialty Coffee, wine and oil protagonists of the second edition


Return the Palermo Coffee Festivalthe first event in Italy entirely dedicated to the world of Specialty Coffee and the sustainable coffee, oil and wine supply chains, now in its second edition this year.

Appointment Saturday 1 June, from 10am to 6pm at the Botanical Garden of Palermo. The festival is organized by Morettino, in collaboration with CoopCulture and Palermo Botanical Garden.

Not just coffee…

Around 50 exhibitors selected from among the best micro roasteries in Italy, Sicilian wine cellars and EVO oil producers will be on stage along the avenues of the Botanical Garden. Alongside them will be artisans producing flours from ancient grains, tropical fruits, tea and tobacco, aromatic medicinal plants, Sicilian distillates up to Modica Chocolate, which will come together to tell an unpublished story of Sicily, a unique opportunity to share ideas and visions with the true protagonists of such intuitions, in a natural theater of extraordinary beauty like the Botanical Garden.

The similarities between coffee and wine

The purpose of Palermo Coffee Festival is to create and spread coffee culture, a drink that is so widespread in Italy but little known and appreciated, comparing it with the wine and oil supply chains, which thanks to the dedication of the producers and their work of dissemination over time, are managed to create awareness and curiosity around them. There are many similarities between the world of coffee, in particular that of Specialty Coffeedeep-sea micro lots of selected and very high quality coffees, and those of wine and agricultural productions which will be at the center of the festival.

The theme: “Unpublished Sicily”

The theme of the second edition of the festival is “Unpublished Sicily”, made by visionary and courageous producers who believed in our land by betting on new crops or rediscovering lost ones, enhancing them and telling their identity. From this vision was born the experimental cultivation project of Sicilian native coffeecarried out by Morettino in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Palermo and the Botanical Garden, which will be one of the topics covered during the event.

The festival is included in the official calendar of events of the Botanical Garden and CoopCulture, which for the occasion have created a special ticket for visiting the site of 5 euros, reduced compared to the normal entrance fee to the Botanical Garden, which will allow free participation in the event and a visit to the splendid gardens. It is possible to purchase the ticket online on the CoopCulture website or on the day of the festival at the ticket office.

The masterclasses

“Slow Food ethics, coffee cultivations in Sicily and the changing climate” will be the theme of the masterclass dedicated to sustainable coffee supply chains and the projects of the Slow Food Coffee Coalition, which opens the second edition of the Palermo Coffee Festival, at 10.30 in Ficus Magnolia area. They will compare Andrea Morettino, Erminia Nodari from the Slow Food Coffee Coalition And Andrei Godinaamong the leading experts of Specialty Coffee in Italy and editor of the Chameleon Guide.

Following the great success of the first edition, the Coffee-Wine comparison masterclasses return, to explore the sensorial similarities between the two drinks, in one-of-a-kind tastings never before held in Italy. They will be guided by one of the main wine experts in Sicily: Luigi Salvo, AIS Sommelier and judge in international competitions. Alongside him will be Andrej Godina, who will lead the participants in comparing the aromas of wine and those of coffee, and Arturo Morettino. Appointment at 12pm and 3pm, again in the Ficus Magnolia Area. It ends at 5pm with an unmissable masterclass: “Live distillation of Sicilian London Dry Gin”, led by Giuseppe La Faucimaster distiller of Distilleria Giovi who, armed with a still, will illustrate all the steps in the creation of Gin from the raw material to the distillate.

Participation in the masterclasses is free, but reserved for a limited number of people, so booking is necessary on the website. Only a reply email will confirm the booking.

READ ALSO: Andrea Morettino: “Growing coffee in Sicily is now possible”

Educational and live shows

There is also space for Live Shows and Educationals. In the Coffee Arena, from 10am to 6pm, Sca Italythe non-profit association with offices all over the world that promotes the culture of Specialty Coffee, organizes “Coffee Boom”: games, quizzes and in-depth moments to learn how to give the right value to the coffee we drink.

At 5pm Andrej Godina and the team of the Italian Roasting Guide will invite participants to discover all the aromas contained in a cup of coffee, with the “Aroma Wheel Game”.

Throughout the day it will be possible to attend live shows by two big names in the world of coffee: Federico PinnaItalian Barista Champion 2024, e Matteo BeluffiItalian Latte Art Champion and Alpro Brand Ambassador.

We will also talk about Evo Oil with the educational program curated by the journalist Maria Antonietta PioppoWine master sommelier and official taster of Evo oil, with “Discover the cultivar” and “Guess the intruder”, at 11 in the air of the tasting stands.

At 12, the live show of master ice cream maker Antonio Cappadonia, with the tasting of artisanal Morettino organic coffee ice cream.

The laboratories

Sustainability education starts from an early age. The workshops return to the Palermo Coffee Festival Upside down vegetable garden, who at 11am and 4pm will teach children to draw using coffee and to grow carrots using the benefits of coffee grounds. The ticket for the workshops can be purchased online on the CoopCulture website.

The experimental coffee field at the Botanical Garden

An icon of Palermo’s historical and cultural heritage, the Botanical Garden is a unique place in the world. Ten hectares of tropical gardens in the heart of the city, with over 12 thousand botanical species from all over the world, which over time have managed to adapt to the Sicilian climate. Here, in the historic Colonial Gardens at the beginning of the twentieth century, the first experiments with coffee cultivation were carried out, which today, 120 years later, it has been decided to resume en plein air, thanks to the collaboration between the Botanical Garden, the University of Palermo and the Morettino roasting company which from years he has been carrying out the project of the experimental coffee plantation in Sicily. During the event it will be possible to visit the botanical gardens, admire the historic Coffea Arabica plants over 3 meters tall and kept in the Carolina Greenhouse, and the experimental coffee field which houses 25 Coffea Arabica plants.



10am – 6pm | Coffee Boom: games, quizzes and in-depth moments to learn how to give the right value to the coffee we drink with Sca Italy

10am – 6pm | Vegan Latte Art live show with Matteo Beluffi, Italian Latte Art Champion and Alpro Brand Ambassador


10am – 6pm | Walk around tasting in the Coffee, wine, oil and other excellence areas

10am – 6pm | Live show at Bugan Coffee with Federico Pinna, Italian Barista Champion

11 | Educational Evo Oil with Maria Antonietta Pioppo: “Playing with cultivars: find the intruder”

12 | Live show Antonio Cappadonia – tasting of artisanal Morettino organic coffee ice cream

17 | Live show with The Chameleon Guide “Aroma Wheel Game”


10.30 | Masterclass “Slow Food Ethics, coffee cultivations in Sicily and the changing climate”. Debate and coffee tasting by the Slow Food Coffee Coalition with Andrea Morettino, Erminia Nodari (Slow Food Coffee Coalition) and Andrej Godina (Caffesperto)

12| Masterclass Coffee and wine compared: Sensory tasting with Luigi Salvo (AIS Sicilia), Andrej Godina and Arturo Morettino.

15 |Masterclass Coffee and wine compared: Sensory tasting with Luigi Salvo (AIS Sicilia), Andrej Godina and Arturo Morettino.

17 | Masterclass “Live distillation of Sicilian London Dry Gin. Conducted by Giuseppe La Fauci, master distiller of the Giovi Distillery”


11 | Workshop for children organized by Orto Capovolto: Coffee Painting. Artistic-creative workshop to create a watercolor using coffee grounds (age 2+)

16 | Workshop for children organized by Orto inverted: To make a vegetable garden…Creative horticulture workshop to learn how to grow carrots thanks to the benefits of coffee grounds (age 5+)

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