Amateurs – Coaches: Cdr Mutina takes Paganelli, Borghi goes to Arcetana – Fiorano, here is the defender Vacondio

Amateurs – Coaches: Cdr Mutina takes Paganelli, Borghi goes to Arcetana – Fiorano, here is the defender Vacondio
Amateurs – Coaches: Cdr Mutina takes Paganelli, Borghi goes to Arcetana – Fiorano, here is the defender Vacondio

The mosaic of coaches is being completed. There Cdr Mutina in the next few hours Andrea Paganelli will be made official, having left Arcetana (in reality, the Reggio Emilia sporting director Sasà Greco had other ideas) at the end of an exciting season which allowed the Reggio Emilia to immediately return to Eccellenza thanks to the playoffs. In addition to Paganelli, the Orange team will also make official Pier Francesco Pivetti who stops coaching to become a sporting director. No downsizing, therefore, but we will try for the third time to win a championship that will never be more within reach than this year, with “normal” opponents.

AtArcetana Cristian Borghi will go instead, having leftUnited Carpi and which will be made official tomorrow. Borghi, after the excellent championships with the Carpi team also winning the Promotion, had several requests (Corticella had also contacted him), but in the end he decided to stay close to home.

Players chapter: Luca Vacondio, defender born in ’99, former Sammichelese and Baiso, is a new player of the Fiorano; the first confirmations are the goalkeeper Baciocchi and the defender and captain Hardy Nana.

Luca Vacondio is a new player for Fiorano
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