Just two plates of spaghetti paid a whopping 430 euros: in which Italian city did this happen?

Two tourists paid 430 euros for two plates of spaghetti: it happened in Italy. A very high bill to pay after lunch.

Going out for lunch is no longer very cheap, but paying 430 euros for two plates of pasta is perhaps too much. It may happen that you sit at a table in a restaurant and receive a high bill because perhaps you hadn’t checked the prices before ordering or because there was some error in the bill. But tourists are often surprised by the high prices they pay.

In many Italian cities, from Milan to Rome, Naples, Turin, Florence, Palermo, Venice and others, there is now a fashion for so-called exaggerated receipts. Often these are then shared on social media and become viral within a few hours. But let’s go and see what happened to these two tourists who were forced to pay more than 400 euros for two first courses.

Very high bill in one of the most touristy cities in Italy: 429.80 euros

As we have just said, two tourists paid a very high price by eating only two first courses. The two Japanese tourists were on holiday in Italy and more precisely in Rome, here while visiting the capital of our country they decided to stop and eat in a well-known Roman restaurant, but they didn’t think the bill would be so high.

The receipt of the two tourists was published on social media where it went around the internet, initially they thought it was a joke, but that wasn’t the case. The two had consumed two plates of spaghetti with fish and water for which they paid precisely 429.80 euros. Where have they been? AtAntico Caffè di Marte.

Very high bill in Rome: 429.80 euros (buttalapasta.it)

The event did not happen now, but in 2019, more precisely on September 4 of that year. The well-known restaurant is located a few steps from Castel Sant’Angelo. The receipt did not indicate what the tourists had consumed, but only the total which was 349.80 euros to which a tip of 80 euros was then added. Most likely the price did not only include the two first courses, but also covers, water and coffee.

However, the price still seems very high, but the restaurant owner wanted to respond. Here’s what he said: “Our menu is clear, everything is written in detail. To pay that amount the girls will not only have had spaghetti, but also fish. On the other hand, the fish here is fresh. The customer chooses it at the counter, we weigh it and cook it“. In short, in some way theguilt‘ it was from the two tourists, considering the well-displayed prices of the restaurant.

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