LAMEZIA – Meeting between Fi and Noi Moderati for the European elections

LAMEZIA – Meeting between Fi and Noi Moderati for the European elections
LAMEZIA – Meeting between Fi and Noi Moderati for the European elections

A meeting took place in Lamezia Terme between Forza Italia And We Moderatesduring which it was reiterated the unitary political project, strongly supported by Antonio Tajani and Maurizio Lupi, underlining the importance of the European vote.

This was announced by the coordinator of Fi Salvatore De Biaseexplaining how «dDuring the meeting, it emerged that a stronger center is essential to carry forward the positive action of every governed reality, strengthening the project of a moderate area in the context of the European People’s Party in Italy”.

«A cohesive political center – he said – not only favors more stable and effective governance, but also brings a series of tangible benefits for all the entities administered. A stronger center is synonymous with local administrations that operate with greater efficiency, promoting policies that respond to citizens’ needs and stimulate economic and social development. This strengthens the project of a moderate area within the Italian and European political panorama, consolidating the presence and influence of the European People’s Party in Italy.”

«The meeting offered the opportunity to recall the will to seek, motivate and expand – he continued – the unity of the centre-right also in Lamezia Terme, recognizing unity as a value to be defended, superior to any party logic. A cohesive center-right represents a bulwark against antagonistic political forces, guaranteeing stability and continuity in local development policies. In this sense, an appeal for responsibility was launched, as highlighted several times by Forza Italia also through the press. The city needs a mature democracy that is politically close to the government of the country, regions and provinces, where it operates with wisdom and foresight. It is essential to accept the past, promote the future and live the present, taking on new challenges.”

«A divided center-right – he added – inevitably favors antagonistic political forces; for this reason, today more than ever, it is time for wisdom and prudence in common governance. Forza Italia is always ready for any responsible and constructive discussion, for an agreement that looks at reality and projects itself towards the future.”

«In conclusion, our commitment is aimed at building a prosperous and inclusive future for Lamezia Terme and for all of Italy – he concluded -. We firmly believe that only through unity and collaboration can we successfully address the challenges of the present and build a more just and dynamic society. City government must be completed with this spirit of cohesion and responsibility. It is now up to politics to decide which side to take, demonstrating maturity and vision for the common good.” (rcz)

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