(Luca Russo) – “Pecchia at Bologna? No thank you”, we headlined yesterday. An opening dictated by the hope of seeing the mister of promotion (from B to A) take on the role of the superhero and transform, in the shortest possible time, into the mister of salvation (from the danger of quickly returning to cadetry), because if something works – and until now Parma di Pecchia has worked like a perfect and at times infallible mechanism -, giving it up or trying to change it is a move that runs the serious and concrete risk of being counterproductive, but also from almost certainty that the hypothesis of his moving a hundred kilometers further east remains a hypothesis and nothing more.

In this sense, the intentions and programs filtered to the media and the streets by the owners regarding the future of the bench and, broadening the horizon, of the Crociata squad as a whole, leave very few glimmers of revolutions that can undo the good and the beauty painted by the coach and his boys in the last two seasons. Any initiative aimed at overturning what made it possible to achieve direct promotion at the formidable average of two points per game, and with a certain advance compared to the rosiest roadmaps, would have very little strategic value because it will also be a yellowed and wrinkled adage from the excessive use that is made of it, but it is always effective when necessary, Never change a winning team.

At most it is retouched with a view to strengthening it and in an attempt to improve its performance. Thus, if on the one hand Krause intends to offer Pecchia the extension of the agreement that binds him to the yellow and blue club until 2025, on the other hand the American owner, in agreement with the coach himself, the sporting director and the head of the scouting area, has already identified the roles on which to intervene to guarantee theformer coach of Verona and Cremonese the quality and flexibility necessary to face the typical pitfalls of the top flight, quite different, in number and consistency, from the asperities, however notable, of the B.

The incoming market for the yellow-blues should be oriented towards a left-back, a midfielder capable of covering multiple roles in the midline and an attacker who has a haul of goals under his belt capable of significantly increasing the already high prolificacy of the Ducali, favored by all inside of Pecchia, who attributed to Parma the characteristics of a sort of goal cooperative, in which no one reached the heights reached by Pohjanpalo, Tutino or Brunori, but everyone gave their contribution in terms of goals. A simple objective to achieve when you don’t always rely on the usual starting eleven and the usual changes, but which for the same reason can also be difficult to achieve if you consider that formations that are too “liquid” they rarely feed on alchemypreferring to cling to the flashes of the single more than the gaming volumes of collective which in some cases guarantee a better relationship with scoring opportunities and the goals themselves compared to the former.

That the club wants to start again from the protagonists of the promotion achieved with records was made clear in no uncertain terms managing director sports Roel Vaeyens during the awards ceremony in the Municipality. No doubts about the technical guide: “Fabio and his staff have done an excellent job, they still have one year left on their contract and next season they will be with us.” Even less on the players responsible for the triumphal ride from the second division to Serie A: “We are sure that we want to continue together with these players and set up the team in the best possible way”. And clear ideas on the market: “We have done internal analyzes with the technical staff and scouting: we are looking for the right profiles to improve our team”. We start again from Pecchia, from some necessary market reinforcements and above all from that group of boys who made Parma the team for an entire championship “a team you’ve never seen”. Luca Russo

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