“The fire was the cure” at the Teatro Studio Melato in Milan – press release by Carlo Tomeo, Milan

“The fire was the cure” at the Teatro Studio Melato in Milan – press release by Carlo Tomeo, Milan
“The fire was the cure” at the Teatro Studio Melato in Milan – press release by Carlo Tomeo, Milan

Studio Melato Theatre

from May 21st to 26th


Fire was the cure

Freely inspired by Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

A production
Metastasio Theater of Prato, Underground,

Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Theater of Europe

and Emilia Romagna ERT Theater / National Theatre

From 21 to 26 May, after the world premiere at the Teatro Metastasio in Prato, the Sotterraneo collective, artists associated with the Piccolo, returns to the Teatro Studio Melato with an original work, freely inspired by Ray Bradbury’s 1953 masterpiece. The show – co-produced by Teatro Metastasio, by Sotterraneo, by the Piccolo Teatro di Milano and by ERT-Emilia Romagna Teatro, and created with the support of Centrale Fies / Passo Nord – rereads Fahrenheit 451 through the lens of the present, to ask ourselves, together with the public, where the risk of totalitarian tendencies lurks today.

“You don’t need to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” In 1953, Ray Bradbury imagines a dystopian future where reading is forbidden. Anyone caught doing so, or possessing books, is arrested, while the television screens, constantly turned on, alienate people’s free time. In the company of Fahrenheit 451, the mere attempt to think generates a sense of physical discomfort and the fire brigade is used to start fires, rather than to extinguish them, with the aim of setting the books on fire and capturing their owners. As in all totalitarian regimes, there is a clandestine community of dissidents, the book-people, who undertake to learn by heart the great classics of world literature, in the hope of saving them from oblivion and passing them on to future generations.

Seventy-one years after the publication of Bradbury’s masterpiece and fifty-eight after the release of François Truffaut’s film of the same name in cinemas, the Sotterraneo collective, associated with the Piccolo and already the protagonist of last season with a solo exhibition, has signed a new original work, which draws free inspiration from the novel.

«The book came out about 70 years ago – explain Sara Bonaventura, Claudio Cirri and Daniele Villa – but it is set in the future, that is, in the 20s of the 21st century, that is, today. But you are in the 21st century and you are reading this text, so was Bradbury wrong? It depends on how we understand dystopia: a prediction about the future that at a certain point is confirmed/denied or an alarm about the present that continues to be renewed? Fire was the cure crosses and rereads freely Fahrenheit 451, consumes it as one does with a beloved book, read a thousand times and dragged to a thousand places, dirties it, forgets it somewhere and then finds it again, while the cover fades, the paper comes apart and the pages fill with notes, cards, bookmarks and keepsakes. Five performers retrace the story of the novel, identify with the characters, move horizontally mapping the shadow cones, the things that Bradbury does not explain or tell us, creating parallel narrative lines, theoretical deviations, also constructing the chronicles of an intermediate time between our present and an anti-cultural future in which stupidity saves us from the burden of complex thought. What if Bradbury was just a few years wrong, if Fahrenheit 451 if it really happened, what would we do?”

Small Studio Theatre (via Rivoli, 6 – M2 Lanza)

from 21 to 26 May 2024

Fire was the cure

freely inspired by Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Underground creation

concept and direction Sara Bonaventura, Claudio Cirri, Daniele Villa

with Flavia Comi, Davide Fasano, Fabio Mascagni, Radu Murarasu, Cristiana Tramparulo

written by Daniele Villa

lights Marco Santambrogio

stage clothes Ettore Lombardi

plays Simone Arganini

choreography by Giulio Santolini

props Eva Sgrò

technique Monica Bosso

company administrator Luisa Bosi

production Teatro Metastasio di Prato, Sotterraneo, Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa, Emilia Romagna ERT Theater / National Theater with the support of Centrale Fies / Passo Nord

artistic residencies Fondazione Armunia, La Corte Ospitale, Centrale Fies / Passo Nord

Sotterraneo is an Associate Artist of the Piccolo Teatro of Milan, is part of the Fies Factory project and is resident at the ATP Teatri of Pistoia

Times: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 7.30 pm; Wednesday and Friday, 8.30pm; Sunday, 4pm

Duration: 90 minutes without intermission

Prices: stalls 40 euros, balcony 32 euros

Information and reservations 02.21126116 – www.piccoloteatro.org

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