30 burpees a day for 15 days: benefits and changes

I tried this challenge: do 30 burpees a day for 15 days, divided into 3 sections of 10. I launched myself into this adventure and now I can tell you what benefits I perceived at the end of this challenge.

When I wanted to try CrossFit, I dragged one of my best friends with me to a beginner’s class. And even though she was in good shape, on the way home she said that the deadlift-crunch-burpee circuit it would have been much better if it had just been deadlifts and crunches.

I was shocked. For me the burpees were the best part. That’s when I realized that not everyone is as crazy about it as I am – not everyone enjoys burpees. This got me thinking: what if I incorporated burpees into my daily routine?

Why do burpees?

Before starting the “challenge” of 30 burpees a day for two weeks, I did some research on the origin of the exercise and discovered that they were invented in 1939 by a man named Royal H. Burpee, to determine a person’s physical fitness. At the time, the move didn’t involve a bend in the middle or a jump at the end, but it was still feared.

First, I wanted to make sure I was in shape. So I decided to do the modern burpee, not the old school version from the Trentsto.

I read some tutorials. To do a burpee, you start from a standing position, then squat down and place your hands on the ground in front of you. Quickly kick both feet behind you so you’re in position for a push-up and do a push-up. Then, bring your legs forward to return to the squat position and jump up.

I admit that I’m not consistent in things. I always have the best intentions, but when the day gets busy I’ve been known to make excuses here and there (I’m working on it, I swear). So as I prepared to become a “burpee animal,” I was glad I had this opportunity to hold myself accountable.

30 burpees a day for two weeks: benefits for body and mind

I completed three sets of 10 burpees for 15 days straight. I started with one minute of rest between sets and decreased this time by 15 seconds every three days until I was doing all 30 burpees at once with no rest for the final three days.

I wanted to stick to the same time every day — when I woke up at 7:30 in the morning — but that didn’t always work. When I slept longer, I would do a circuit as soon as I got home around 4 in the afternoon.

01. Doing 30 burpees a day: my running has improved

My easy running pace is about nine minutes a mile, but towards the end of the 15 days, I started running faster without consciously increasing my speed. My lungs felt clear and I walked several miles.

I went even further. I usually go for a three-mile run on weekdays after work, but I found myself having the energy to do more. On one of the last days I ran five and a half miles and felt great. My step felt stronger, and my breathing was more even and composed. I wondered if it was just a psychological thing or if it was physical changes.

So I called Dr. Jordan D. Metzl — a New York-based sports medicine doctor at the Hospital for Special Surgery and host of Runner’s World’s IronStrength workout — who believes burpees can cure (almost) everything. According to him, my progression was predictable. “Burpees work every muscle in your body and train your cardiopulmonary fitness by repeatedly bringing your heart rate up and down,” he said. Since my muscles and heart were getting an additional workout, running felt like a breeze.

02. Doing 30 burpees a day: I had more energy

It happens more often than I’d like to admit that I feel like a total zombie. I stare at my computer screen willing the words to come, only to give up and head to the coffee shop for a coffee.

But Metzl said that extreme effort – i.e. burpees – it releases endorphins, which give us the boost we need to get through our day. In fact, the endorphins that remain in our system can make us feel good even hours after training.

So starting my day with this type of extreme exercise helped me feel more awake in the morning without having to rely on caffeine. My body (and my bank account) thanked me.

03. Doing 30 burpees a day: They got easier, but there were still days I struggled

Even though I did all 30 burpees without stopping, my progress wasn’t that linear. I didn’t understand why on day eight, for example, I felt like I was almost starting from scratch, and I didn’t like that it felt like I was taking steps backwards. Shouldn’t I have gotten better as time went by?

Metzl attributed this irregularity to two things: My body still getting used to the exercise, and any external factors like how much sleep I got the night before. In all honesty, I probably don’t get enough sleep, but that’s a whole other issue.

I was happy to find an explanation, and a reason to fix my terrible sleeping habits. But I feel like it’s almost a good thing that my body hasn’t fully acclimated. Every day felt like a new challenge.

04. Doing 30 burpees a day: I felt powerful

Burpees are an intense workout. There’s a reason why the military and elite athletes use them to train. Knowing what I did for the body gave me a sense of strength that went beyond something physical. I felt mentally strong and ready to take on my day.

I rested when my two weeks were over, and even though the burpees only took up a few minutes of my day, I felt strangely like I was missing something. I was so used to carving out that time. That said, I don’t know if I’ll be able to do burpees every day for the rest of my life. But it’s nice to know I can do a mini-workout, and I’ve continued to start some mornings by jumping up and down, and getting stronger.

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